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news_stories: News (page 7)
New tip sheet to help prepare a compelling application
Applying for a Foundation grant? Download our new new tip sheet to help you prepare a compelling application.
Changing hearts and minds: Elders’ Council receives prestigious justice award
The Ministry of the Attorney General is thrilled that the Elders’ Council has been recognized with the Guthrie Award
Video celebrates Elders’ Council
Video celebrates the 2020 Guthrie Award recipient: the Elders’ Council of the Indigenous Justice Division of the Ministry of the Attorney General
New Queer Refugee Hearings Program Toolkit
The Queer Refugee Hearings Program Toolkit helps individuals claiming refugee protection based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and/or sex characteristics.
$19.7M in core funding to support leading access to justice organizations
The Foundation has increased its investment in Catalyst to $19.7M, adding close to $3 million to the total budget over three years and growing the program from 20 to 25 organizations.
2020-2021 PIAF articling highlights
We asked our 2020-2021 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants to share some highlights of their articling experience. Here is some of what they shared.
Increasing access to justice for refugees and Indigenous peoples is focus of 17 newly funded projects
The Law Foundation of Ontario has invested close to $1.4M for 17 new Access to Justice Fund projects, increasing access to justice for refugees and Indigenous peoples.
We moved: our new home in the Tower Building
As of September 1, The Law Foundation of Ontario has a new home at 110 Spadina Avenue.
Catherine Banning appointed to The Law Foundation of Ontario Board of Trustees
The Law Foundation of Ontario is pleased to announce the appointment of Catherine Banning to its Board of Trustees.