Elder Jan Longboat standing in front of the Mohawk Institute Residential School holding a feather and looking up into the sky
January 17, 2022

Video celebrates Elders’ Council

Video celebrates the 2020 Guthrie Award recipient: the Elders’ Council of the Indigenous Justice Division of the Ministry of the Attorney General

October 31, 2021

New Queer Refugee Hearings Program Toolkit

The Queer Refugee Hearings Program Toolkit helps individuals claiming refugee protection based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and/or sex characteristics.

The Law Foundation of Ontario Public Interest Articling Fellowship
October 4, 2021

2020-2021 PIAF articling highlights

We asked our 2020-2021 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants to share some highlights of their articling experience. Here is some of what they shared.