For grantees

The information and tools you need to help you understand and manage the requirements of your Foundation grant.
A Black woman, smiling, wearing a royal blue shirt and jacket, standing outside a quiet city street
When she was a Hamilton Community Legal Clinic lawyer, Marla co-facilitated training sessions for trusted intermediaries on housing law and tenants’ rights, focusing on newcomers


Congratulations on receiving a grant from The Law Foundation of Ontario, and welcome!

Like all funders, the Foundation has a set of requirements for you to follow in order to manage your grant with us. Requirements are specific to the type of grant received. Below are your responsibilities as a Foundation grantee.

You received a grant. Now what?

Requirement 1 - Letter of Agreement

The first step for all grantees is to carefully review and return your signed Letter of Agreement (LOA) to your Grants Manager. This letter outlines the terms of the grant. If you have not received your LOA yet, please contact your Grants Manager. (Here is a PDF sample of what it looks like.)

Requirement 2 - Orientation
Requirement 3 - Reporting on your grant
Requirement 4 – Requesting a change to your grant
Requirement 5 – Subscribe and ‘follow’

Have a question?
Contact a Grants Manager.

Reporting guidelines

Guidelines, resource information, and tools to help grantees fulfill the reporting requirements of their grant.

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Acknowledging the Foundation

What you need to know to help you understand why and how to properly acknowledge your Foundation grant.

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Grant Modification Request

Contact your Grants Manager in advance if you are contemplating any significant change in your funded work’s objectives, scope, budget, or project lead.

Read more

What's new

A colourful logo that says "Celebrating 50 years advancing access to justice"

Celebrating 50 years of advancing access to justice

June 26, 2024

The Foundation turned the big 5-0 in 2024. It’s a significant milestone in our access to justice journey and a fine opportunity to reflect on our first 50 years.

Two women talking at a networking event

Picture-perfect Catalyst Day

June 21, 2024

The room was abuzz with meaningful conversations and connections at the Foundation’s second annual Catalyst Day on May 9, 2024.

Woman with long, dark brown curly hair. She is smiling and wearing a black suit jacket.

Elizabeth Bowker joins Class Proceedings Committee

May 21, 2024

We’re pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Bowker to the Class Proceedings Committee.