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The Law Foundation of Ontario makes grants to advance access to justice that align with our statutory objectives of: legal education, legal aid, legal research, and law libraries within Ontario.
We provide one-time and ongoing funding through a variety of granting programs. Grants are made to nonprofit organizations that work to benefit the people of Ontario. We also have a unique fund that provides grants to nonprofit organizations across Canada. We do not provide funding to individuals or to for-profit ventures or to support litigation or advocacy.
See our open calls for applications, granting programs, and grants made webpages to learn more.
What's new
$45.5M in funding to Ontario’s leading access to justice organizations
The Foundation approved new 3-year Catalyst grants totaling $45.5M for the program’s current cohort of 25 organizations.
New multi-year grant to Action Committee on Access to Justice
The Foundation has increased its support of the Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters with a $313K 3-year grant.
$1M Law Foundation grant expands Laidlaw Foundation’s Youth Action Fund granting
Laidlaw Foundation and The Law Foundation of Ontario have teamed up to expand support for Black and Indigenous youth-led access to justice initiatives.