The Public Interest Articling Fellowship (PIAF) allows nonprofit organizations to receive funding to host an articling student.
Currently, the Foundation provides an annual grant of $84.5K. The funding allows a host organization to hire a student for a 10-month articling period through the articling application process governed by the Law Society of Ontario. The PIAF covers the articling student’s salary and benefits and includes reimbursement of the lawyer licensing process fees. An amount is also available to the host organization for out-of-pocket expenses that are required to host an articling student, such as purchasing a computer, purchasing an online legal research account, continuing legal education courses, and pre-approved work-related travel for the fellow.
Calls for applications are made in three-year cycles. Successful grantees receive a one-year grant. Based on an annual assessment and approval process, successful grantees can be renewed for a second year and a third year.
Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants
We asked our 2023-2024 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants to share some highlights of their articling experience. Here is some of what they shared.
Meet the 2023-2024 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants: Kassandra Neranjan, Emma Partridge, Sarah Gordon, Chantal Larocque, Megan Linaric, Abigail Anderson, Myka Kollmann
We asked our 2022-2023 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants to share some highlights of their articling experience. Here is some of what they shared.
Meet the 2022-2023 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants: Daniel Marin, Amanda LaBorde, Ayesha Adamjee, Stacey Seward, Vivian Sim, Gabrielle (Gabby) C. Aquino, Amy Hill, Kienna Shkopich-Hunter.
We asked our 2021-2022 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants to share some highlights of their articling experience. Here is some of what they shared.
Meet the 2021-2022 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants: Rachel Kohut, Zara Mercer, Paria Asadbikli, Tom Naciuk, Arthur Ferguson, Leandra (Lea) Keren, Tyler Schnare, Rene Kimmett.
We asked our 2020-2021 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants to share some highlights of their articling experience. Here is some of what they shared.
Meet the 2020-2021 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants: Stacia Loft, Andrea Ajurias, Zayneb Ragheai, Julia Sande, Laura Simon, Murray Fallis, Alexandria Hamilton, Yuka Sai
Meet the 2019-2020 Public Interest Articling Fellowship participants: André Capretti; Jaya Élise Bordeleau-Cass; Ashley Reya Dhandhari; Vanessa Poirier; J.Y. (Jianyang) Hoh; Rebecca Dillon; Michelle Soucy; Aubrey Abaya
Open call for applications
See The Law Foundation of Ontario’s open calls for applications to learn about the granting opportunities you can apply for now.
Grants made
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