October 29, 2015

Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2017-2018

The Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (Toronto, ON) will hire an Articling Student to provide legal information and services to linguistic minorities. This Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

The Legal Clinic

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2017-2018

The Legal Clinic will have an Articling student to provide legal information and services to residents of rural and remote communities. The Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

Keewaytinok Native Legal Services

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2017-2018

The Keewaytinok Native Legal Services (Moosonee, ON) will hire an Articling Student for 2017-2018 to provide legal information and services to linguistic minorities and residents of rural and remote communities. This Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

Community Advocacy & Legal Centre (CALC)

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2017-2018

The Community Advocacy and Legal Clinic (Belleville, ON) will hire an Articling Student to provide legal information and services to residents of rural and remote communities. This Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

People to People Aid Organization (Canada) (P2P)

Connecting Communities: Our Health Our Laws

In this project, People to People will hold a series of workshops with community leaders and front-line workers on immigration, human rights and criminal law as they relate to people living with HIV/AIDS. The workshops will use the Ethiopian coffee ceremony – a traditional form of discussion and information sharing in the Ethiopian community.  The goal of the project is to equip participants with the requisite knowledge to share legal information and make referrals to legal services for community members.

$ 43,422
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

Ontario Justice Education Network

Increasing OJEN Administrative Capacity through a CMS and CRM Upgrade

OJEN will renovate its content management system and relationship management solution to build better performance monitoring systems, develop its fundraising capabilities, and increase its administrative capacity. 

$ 15,000
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

Lakehead University, Faculty of Law

Roy & Ria McMurtry Endowment 2015

Lakehead University, Faculty of Law will provide a scholarship to a law student in financial need.

$ 5,000
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015

Pro Bono Students Canada

Strengthening governance, phase 2

PBSC proposes to develop a new governance model.

$ 9,120
October 29, 2015
September 21, 2015

Workers' Action Centre

Expanding the Dialogue: Public Education and Capacity Building on Precarious Employment and Low-Waged Work

WAC will expand the dialogue through e-bulletins, training sessions, workshops and forums, in order to build capacity and deliver public legal education in at least six Ontario communities facing high rates of precarious low-waged work. 

$ 87,424
September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015

University of Ottawa, School of Information Studies

Mapping the Front End: Legal Information Seeking Practices

Confronting an increasingly complex communications marketplace, Canadian consumers need meaningful and reliable information to understand their rights, make informed choices, and evaluate solutions for successful self-advocacy. Through direct consultation with consumers on their information seeking, access, and use habits, this project will establish best practices and an online toolkit for consumers to access and evaluate solutions for successful self-advocacy. 

$ 65,008
September 21, 2015