April 25, 2016

The Table Community Food Centre

Sleep a Night Under my Roof

This interactive learning day will provide front line workers with practical and legal information as well as support tools and resource material to better serve low income community members navigating the challenges of finding and maintaining safe, healthy and affordable housing in Lanark County.

$ 16,135
April 25, 2016
April 25, 2016

South-East Grey Support Services

Legal Education for Staff of Agencies Supporting Individuals with Disabilities in Rural Ontario

Training materials will be developed and delivered to key professionals within the developmental and other disability sectors and to individuals with disabilities and their intermediaries that will increase knowledge regarding the Ontario Disability Support Program and the Residential Tenancy Act.

$ 38,405
April 25, 2016
April 25, 2016

Second Chance Scholarship Foundation Inc.

Roy & Ria McMurtry Endowment 2015-16

The Second Chance Scholarship Foundation will provide a post-secondary education scholarship to a youth enrolled in a program relating to legal education, and who is currently, or has been, involved in the criminal justice system or who is at risk of such.

$ 5,000
April 25, 2016
April 25, 2016

Aboriginal Legal Services

Video to Assist Families of Murdered and Missing Indigenous People and Working Effectively with Indigenous Clients

In this grant, Aboriginal Legal Services will undertake two projects: a video to help families of murdered and missing Indigenous people navigate the justice system and access legal supports, and a video and handbook for lawyers to assist them in working more effectively with Indigenous clients.

$ 72,204
April 25, 2016
February 25, 2016

University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section

Refugee Sponsorship Support Program (SSP)

The Refugee Sponsorship Program (SSP), based at the University of Ottawa, brings together lawyers, law students, and refugee sponsorship experts to assist private refugee sponsors through the provision of pro bono legal services. During a period of intense national demand, the Law Foundation provided funding to support the SSP’s matching services (which matches lawyers with sponsorship groups), the recruitment and training of lawyers, and the coordination of legal clinics and public legal information sessions.

$ 84,500
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016

Pro Bono Students Canada

Program Activities 2016-17

Pro Bono Students Canada will continue to provide practical learning experiences for law students and free legal information and services to Canadian organizations and individuals in need.

$ 541,396
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016

Ontario Justice Education Network

Program Activities 2016-2017

OJEN will carry out programs that engage the judiciary, the bar and the courts throughout Ontario to strengthen links between the justice and education communities. It will enhance existing high school mock trial competitions and deliver Law Day activities that are designed to develop awareness of the legal profession, the judicial system, and the rule of law in Canada.

$ 850,000
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016

Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children

Program Activities 2016-17

METRAC will build the capacity of individuals, communities and organizations to effectively assist the most marginalized women and youth facing violence and in need of legal information. Program activities include providing legal education and information in clear language on a range of topics for service providers and producing and disseminating multilingual legal information resources sensitive to the diverse experiences and realities of women.

$ 293,575
February 25, 2016
December 22, 2015

Lifeline Syria

Pro Bono Legal Support Program for Syrian Refugee Sponsors

This project will provide access to justice for those wishing to sponsor Syrian refugees. Lifeline Syria currently partners with the Refugee Sponsorship Support Program (SSP) to provide pro bono legal support to private sponsors. Lifeline Syria will hire a Project Coordinator for one year to leverage and enhance the pro bono efforts of lawyers and law students. 

$ 89,400
December 22, 2015
December 2, 2015

University of Windsor, Faculty of Law

Annual Comprehensive 2016-17

The comprehensive grant will support activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means. 

$ 254,000
December 2, 2015