
New tip sheet to help prepare a compelling application

Applying for a Foundation grant? Download our new new tip sheet to help you prepare a compelling application.
March 1, 2022

New tip sheet to help prepare a compelling application

Thumbnail of a document called "Tips to prepare a compelling application"

There's one month left to apply for a Responsive grant this year. Our new tip sheet can help applicants, especially new applicants, to prepare a relevant, thorough, and compelling application.

"We know that applying for funding is competitive and can be time-consuming,” says Helen Tewolde, the Foundation’s Policy & Programs Director. “We wanted to create a practical resource to help applicants as they consider drafting their applications.”

Nonprofit organizations have until April 1 to apply for a Responsive grant. Responsive are project grants, up to $100K, to encourage new community-driven ideas, approaches, and relationships that can help address emerging needs and connect more people to legal information and supports, especially people who are not currently being reached.

Download the applications tip sheet now.