Family, friends, and colleagues gathered December 5 to help present Professor Reem Bahdi with the Guthrie Award, The Law Foundation of Ontario’s signature award to recognize exceptional access to justice champions.
Professor Bahdi is an author, researcher, and human rights expert, with particular expertise in the human rights of Arabs and Muslims in Canada. She was the Canadian Bar Association’s first Equality Advisor and was instrumental in the creation of the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association.
Watch a video of Professor Bahdi’s speech.
See photos on Facebook from Professor Bahdi’s Guthrie Award celebration event.
Learn more about Professor Bahdi in the award announcement.
20 years of access to justice
2017 was the 20th anniversary of the first presentation of the Guthrie Award. We wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on this milestone and to ask more broadly, what has been achieved in the past 20 years in access to justice and what do we hope will be achieved 20 years from now? Watch for our 20 years of access to justice reflections in early 2018.