Applying for a grant: what you need to know
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The Law Foundation of Ontario invites nonprofit organizations to apply for a Connecting Rural Regions grant, funded through our Connecting Region program.
The purpose of the Connecting Rural Regions granting is to support a group of legal and community organizations to work together to coordinate and integrate their existing services to improve the delivery of legal information, referrals, and support to residents of a rural area.
The Foundation has a flexible definition of what constitutes a rural region that is best expressed in the report, Connecting Across Language and Distance. This report was commissioned by the Foundation which led to the launch of the Connecting Region program. The Foundation understands that there are multiple definitions of “rural” and is open to regional efforts that include smaller urban centers as part of this call.
This new call is the direct result of past successes. In 2017, the Foundation commissioned an evaluation of the Connecting Region program. The evaluation report showed that seed grants (with no ongoing funding) to two rural consortiums were important in the development of networks and service coordination that continue today. It is hoped that the new Connecting Rural Regions grants facilitate similar service delivery coordination and integration. Overall, the Connecting Rural Regions granting program is part of the Foundation’s larger Connecting Project.