Court Support Pilot Project
The John Howard Society of Grande Prairie (Grande Prairie, AB) will provide court support for self-represented litigants in criminal and family law courts, including help with paperwork, general information about the court processes, options for legal representation and referrals as appropriate.
$ 242,930
February 23, 2012
Building Bridges: Legal Advocacy Outreach and Service Delivery in the Central Coast of BC
The Social Health and Economic Development Society of Bella Coola (Bella Coola, BC) will conduct outreach to expand the services of its legal advocate to remote communities in B.C.'s Central Coast area.
$ 44,648
January 26, 2012
Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants: An Empirical Study
The applicant would conduct research on the needs of self-represented litigants in Ontario. The study would identify three to five courts (including Windsor and Ottawa) as pilot sites.
$ 48,280
January 26, 2012
Evolving Legal Services in Canada and Access to Justice
This proposal is to conduct the first stage of a two stage project to explore the value and effectiveness of public legal education services throughout the continuum of legal services delivery.
$ 41,500
January 26, 2012