The Meeting Place: Truth and Reconciliation Toronto 2012
The Toronto Truth and Reconciliation Event will subsidize the attendance of Aboriginal survivors at The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Toronto event.
$ 15,000
May 7, 2012
Online Directory of Free and Low-Cost Legal Services
Centre Pro Bono Québec (Montréal, QC) is developing an online directory of free and low-cost legal resources and services available in Québec.
$ 46,642
March 22, 2012
L'ABC du recours collectif: guide a l'intention des associations de consommateurs
Coalition des Associations de Consommateurs du Québec (Montréal, QC) will develop a comprehensive guide on class actions to educate its members organizations and help them identify potential class actions. The Guide will be made available online.
$ 23,976
March 22, 2012
Sabbaticals for Directors, Instructors, and Supervisors at Ontario's Teaching Legal Clinics. Recipient: Hilary Evans Cameron
This program will enable instructors at teaching legal clinics to take a sabbatical to reflect on their work, on pedagogy, and to contribute to the debates on access to justice through writing on the issues that arise for them in the course of their work. Ms. Evans Cameron of Downtown Legal Services proposes to review and analyze the E-Team pilot, a project of Downtown Legal Services wherein a team of law students worked at stopping deportations.
$ 40,000
March 22, 2012
Sabbaticals for Directors, Instructors, and Supervisors at Ontario's Teaching Legal Clinics: Christine Sinclair
This program will enable instructors at teaching legal clinics to take a sabbatical to reflect on their work, on pedagogy, and to contribute to the debates on access to justice through writing on the issues that arise for them in the course of their work. Ms. Sinclair of Community & Legal Aid Services Programme proposes to develop A How-To Guide for Interdisciplinary Experiential Clinical Education in Law and Social Work.
$ 40,000
March 22, 2012
Muslim Marriage Contract Orientation in West
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (Gananoque, ON) will hold a “train the trainer” session on its Muslim Marriage Contract Kit for members of its chapters in Western Canada.
$ 40,880
March 22, 2012
Legal Clinic Coordinator Position
The Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (Calgary, AB) will create a position of a part-time coordinator at its onsite pro bono legal clinic to help clients with paperwork, provide ongoing support to clients, and provide referrals to those not eligible for legal clinic services.
$ 29,900
February 23, 2012
Centre de justice de proximité de Rimouski
The Centre de justice de proximité de Rimouski will provide plain language legal information, assistance and support, referrals to other community organizations, professionals, and government resources, and help filling out court forms to the general public.
$ 55,000
February 23, 2012
Centre de justice de proximité de Québec
The Centre de justice de proximité de Québec will provide plain language legal information, assistance and support, referrals to other community organizations, professionals, and government resources, and help filling out court forms to the general public.
$ 78,000
February 23, 2012
Centre de justice de proximité du Grand Montréal
The Centre de justice de proximité du Grand Montréal will provide plain language legal information, assistance and support, referrals to other community organizations, professionals, and government resources, and help filling out court forms to the general public.
$ 221,500
February 23, 2012