FASD Assessment of Aboriginal Inmates in the Remand Population
The Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto will lead a project to diagnose Aboriginal clients in the remand population for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The purpose of the project is to determine whether a diagnosis of FASD will affect the sentencing process.
$ 180,400
August 27, 2012
Domestic Violence Victims' Access to Justice in Times of Change
The applicant would undertake projects to increase access to justice for victims of domestic violence in three areas: (1) immigration and refugee claimants (2) abused women charged with domestic violence (3) integrated domestic violence court(s).
$ 80,498
August 27, 2012
The Ontario Police Complaints System Forum
Scadding Court will hold a forum that will engage stakeholders and diverse community groups from across Ontario to review the recent changes to the Ontario Police Complaints System, including the Office of the Independent Police Review Director.
$ 14,812
July 6, 2012
Electronic Legal Resources Initiative
LibraryCo will acquire electronic resources for its Toolkit of Legal Resources,
a bundled package of electronic resources available to lawyers and library staff through the county and district law libraries in Ontario. This service will be of particular value to lawyers working in rural and remote locations.
$ 722,500
July 6, 2012
Search Warrants - Dos, Don'ts and everything in between. A hands-on workshop for recent calls
The Criminal Lawyers' Association will develop and host a hands-on workshop on search warrants for junior criminal defence lawyers. Recent calls who reside/practice more than 150 kms from Toronto will be provided with travel bursaries to facilitate attendance.
$ 14,000
July 6, 2012
Wrongful Dismissal and Employment Law e-Text
The Canadian Legal Information Institute will provide free and unrestricted access to a professionally developed employment law e-text via CANLII's website, and to fully incorporate and cross-reference all case law elements from the text with CANLII's presentation of primary legal information.
$ 15,000
July 6, 2012
A Student's Environmental Law Handbook
Lake Ontario Waterkeeper will create and publish an on-line guide to environmental law for students. The handbook will describe legal tools and principles in a contemporary context and offer practical tips to help young lawyers protect Ontario's environment.
$ 11,990
July 6, 2012
Residential Tenancy Education and Information - BC
Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre (Vancouver, BC) will provide “train the trainer” workshops for community organization staff on residential tenancies issues and will conduct a media campaign on residential tenancies issues.
$ 100,000
June 28, 2012
Aligning Community and Academic Agendas: Housing and Homelessness - 2012-13 CLJ
Tracy Heffernan, a program director at the Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario, will spend her year-long fellowship at Osgoode Hall Law School where she will explore the potential to reduce homelessness using the Charter and other legal tools.
$ 50,000
June 28, 2012
Indeterminate Punishment: The Disclosure of Non-Conviction Information on Criminal Record Checks in Ontario - November 2012
The John Howard Society of Ontario will deliver a symposium to examine the issues around the disclosure of non-conviction information on criminal record checks.
$ 6,900
June 28, 2012