Expert Assistance for Phase 3 of the Ontario Community Legal Clinics Provincial Strategic Planning Project
The Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario's draft provincial strategic plan, developed after broad consultation during Phase 2 of the project, will be vetted with legal clinics and selected groups in Phase 3 to generate buy-in, make refinements, and design implementation strategies before the plan is finalized. The two consultants involved in the previous phases will facilitate the Phase 3 process and assist the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.
$ 25,141
October 24, 2012
Access to Justice for Survivors of Torture - A Legal Education Project Part III
The Canadian Centre for International Justice will provide legal education that will target legal professionals, law students, front-line workers and stakeholders to increase the number of Ontario-based legal professionals working on a pro bono basis for survivors of torture, improve the quality of legal services provided, and increase the capacity of front-line workers to connect their clients with these services.
$ 100,000
October 24, 2012
Program Activities 2013
Pro Bono Law Ontario will continue to carry out its mandate to promote access to justice in Ontario by promoting opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to persons of limited means.
$ 800,000
October 24, 2012
BLSAC Annual Conference February 2013 (Ottawa)
The Black Law Students Association of Canada will hold a conference in support of their efforts to work towards the removal of systemic and other barriers facing black people in relation to law school and the legal profession, and to provide access to legal education, promote academic excellence and professional development among its membership.
$ 20,000
October 24, 2012
Youth Justice Film Project
The Child Welfare League of Canada will partner with Cazabon Productions to produce a short film accompanied by a multimedia viewer guide about youth navigating the justice system. The project will serve as an educational tool primarily for youth in institutions and youth in care, and for the frontline workers and community organizations that serve them.
$ 70,000
October 24, 2012
Enhanced Continuing Legal Education for Junior Members of the Criminal Defence Bar in Eastern and Northern Ontario - February 2013
The Defence Counsel Association of Ottawa will deliver a two-day intensive advocacy training program for junior members of the criminal bar from Eastern and Northern Ontario.
$ 35,000
October 24, 2012
Professionalism Shared Resources Initiative (joint project with the Chief Justice of Ontario's Advisory Committee on Professionalism)
The Centre for the Legal Profession, jointly with the Chief Justice of Ontario's Advisory Committee on Professionalism, will create an electronic database of resources that can be used by all lawyers and paralegals in pursuit of their continued professional development in the areas of ethics, professionalism and practice management. These resources will include a Speakers List and relevant Educational and Resource Materials developed by firms/organizations such as fact problems, research papers, presentations, and videos.
$ 14,213
October 24, 2012
Connecting Legal Interpretation
This project has three distinct yet interconnected parts: 1. Training for language interpreters on areas of family law, immigration law, child welfare law, and
administrative law (housing, social support) both online and in person (specifically for skill practice); 2. Online training for service providers on working effectively with interpreters and the intersections between different legal systems - family, child welfare, criminal, and immigration and the impact on clients experiencing domestic violence navigating multiple legal processes. 3. An on-line shared space for both interpreters and service providers to exchange ideas, share information and learn from each other through discussion forums and resources.
$ 442,999
October 24, 2012
First Nations Source Protection Toolkit
The Canadian Environmental Law Association (Toronto, ON) will assist First Nations to develop source water protection plans.
$ 133,600
August 27, 2012
Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre Pilot Project
The Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre (Vancouver, BC) is operating a support centre for victims of identity theft.
$ 90,000
August 27, 2012