Safe and Secure Futures: An Evergreen Approach
Partners for Planning will update and digitize Ontario's Safe and Secure workbook and develop training and resources for planning professionals. The project will also pilot a subsidized facilitation service for family networks in Ontario. With Pooran Law, the Ontario Caregivers Organization, and Community Living Ontario, this initiative will increase the confidence of people with a disability and their families to secure their futures by navigating and participating in the legal system.
$ 157,285
September 26, 2023
Legal System Navigation for Youth & Families
Sudbury District Restorative Justice will partner with local service providers to research legal services available in the region, create a legal services process map, and provide legal system navigation to socio-economically disadvantaged youth and their families in the Greater Sudbury region. The objective of this project is to improve access to legal representation and support services for youth and their families navigating the justice system.
$ 45,512
September 26, 2023
CNIB Guide Dog Handlers and Police Training
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind will create and deliver workshops for guide dog handlers and produce a training video for Police Services in Ontario. This project will provide guide dog handlers with information about legal recourse options in the event of discrimination, particularly access denial. Police Services will benefit from increased knowledge about provincial legislation specific to guide dogs and enforcement procedures.
$ 123,654
July 20, 2023
Legal Guide to LGBTQIA+ Refugee Private Sponsorship Applications
Capital Rainbow Refuge in partnership with Rainbow Haven, will create a toolkit and supplementary materials to support the sponsorship application process for LGBQTIA+ sponsorship groups in Ontario. These resources will benefit sponsor groups, law students, and those providing legal guidance in the preparation of LGBTQIA+ sponsorship applications. LGBTQIA+ refugees often are imminently at risk due to laws in their home country criminalizing consensual same-sex relations, their sexual orientation. or gender identity.
$ 39,000
July 20, 2023
Centre for Refugee Children – Enhancing Child Representative Legal Support
The Centre for Refugee Children will expand and adapt its Child Representative Legal Support Program to enhance specialized legal support for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) navigating immigration proceedings in Ontario. In collaboration with FCJ Refugee Centre and legal partners, the project will provide UASC with enhanced access to child representatives at all stages of the immigration process and provide newly-established referrals to summary legal advice for UASC.The project will ensure that UASC in Ontario are informed, engaged, and supported throughout their legal immigration process.
$ 77,924
July 20, 2023
Aîné.es Avisé.es
The Ottawa Francophone Legal Clinic (Clinique juridique francophone d’Ottawa) will conduct a legal education project with Francophone elders, and the workers who support them, in Ottawa and across Ontario. Partners include the Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l’Ontario (FARFO) and Retraite en action. The objective of the project is to prevent legal issues that Francophone elders may face and the harm they may experience as a result.
$ 101,860
July 20, 2023
ID Clinic – Expansion of Pilot Project
Osgoode Hall Law School’s Community Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) will expand its identification documents (ID) clinic serving the Greater Toronto Area. In partnership with community hubs such as the Weston King Neighborhood Centre, CLASP will hire a Community Outreach Worker to supervise students, coordinate partnerships, and train outreach workers in ID services. The objective of the project is to assist low-income and marginalized individuals to secure ID so that they can access basic services such as healthcare, employment, and immigration.
$ 151,500
July 20, 2023
Triaging legal needs of unhoused people and shelter-hotel residents
Community Justice Collective will pilot the position of a triage lawyer to receive calls about the legal needs of unhoused people and make referrals to pro-bono lawyers and peer advocates. The objective of this project is to expand legal supports for a community of people who experience extensive criminalization, marginalization, harassment and abuse in the greater Toronto and Hamilton areas.
$ 94,740
July 20, 2023
Your Legal Guide to Special Education Rights in Ontario
Community Living Ontario, in partnership with PooranLaw, will develop an online guide focused on the legal and educational rights of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Ontario’s public school system. The guide will provide an overview of the accommodations and supports available to students, review and appeal processes, and the roles of school boards, the Ontario Special Education Tribunals, and the Human Rights Tribunal. The objective of the project is to equip families with information to help them understand their rights and access the school system’s supports and accommodations.
$ 62,150
July 20, 2023
Canada-US Virtual Border Clinic Pilot
COMPASS Refugee Centre will pilot a virtual Canada-US border clinic based in Ontario. Partners include the Canada-US Border Network and the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers. This initiative will benefit border crossers seeking protection in Canada, potential anchor relatives in Canada, NGOs in Ontario and the United States, and Canadian immigration lawyers. The objective of the project is to provide quality legal information and advice for border crossers and those who serve them.
$ 214,964
July 20, 2023