June 19, 2014

Canadian Lawyers Abroad

Dare to Dream

CLA-ACE will expand its Dare to Dream program into the Ottawa area. This innovative program brings together members from the legal community to educate, inspire, and mentor Aboriginal students through justice-focused educational activities.

$ 10,000
June 19, 2014
June 19, 2014

Canadian Centre for International Justice

On-Line Legal Education Platform

CCIJ will redevelop its website to enable a more user-friendly and engaging platform to, in part, host a number of legal education tools primarily directed at people who have survived, or lost loved ones to, international atrocities such as torture and war crimes. 

$ 15,000
June 19, 2014
June 19, 2014

The Law Society of Upper Canada

The Catalyst Project on Access to Justice in Ontario

The Catalyst Project will bring together the major players on access to justice throughout Ontario and build the infrastructure for collaboration, cross-sector innovation and coordinated solutions to the access to justice problem.

$ 400,000
June 19, 2014
April 16, 2014

Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children

Program Activities 2014-15

METRAC will build the capacity of individuals, communities and organizations to effectively assist the most marginalized women and youth facing violence and in need of legal information. Program activities include providing legal education and information in clear language on a range of topics for service providers and producing and disseminating regionally targeted and multilingual legal information resources sensitive to the diverse experiences and realities of women.

$ 293,575
April 16, 2014
April 16, 2014

Community Legal Information Association of PEI

Answering the Call for Legal Information - The Next Generation

Community Legal Information Association (Charlottetown, PEI) will recruit, train, mentor and supervise students on a Legal Studies track from the University of Prince Edward Island and Holland College to provide legal information to clients on its Legal Inquiry Line.

$ 50,000
April 16, 2014
March 4, 2014

Ontario Justice Education Network

Program Activities 2012-2015 (Y3 - 2014-2015)

The Ontario Justice Education Network will carry out programs that facilitate and support broad-based activity by the judiciary, the bar, the courts, and the education community throughout Ontario, with a primary focus on students and the strengthening of links between the justice and education communities. It will enhance existing high school mock trial competitions and deliver Law Day activities that are designed to develop awareness of the legal profession, the judicial system, and the rule of law in Canada. 

$ 850,000
March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014


Connecting Communities: Increasing our Knowledge, Building our Strength

Equay-wuk (Sioux Lookout, Ontario) will train Aboriginal community workers and Elders in 31 remote communities in northern Ontario in the law as it relates to violence against women and human rights. This project is an outgrowth of Connecting Communities.

$ 59,470
March 4, 2014
January 30, 2014

South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO)

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2015-2016

The South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (Toronto, ON) will hire an Articling Student to provide legal information and services to linguistic minorities. This Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 54,121
January 30, 2014
January 30, 2014

Sandgate Women's Shelter of York Region

Connecting Communities: Domestic Violence Legal Training Project

Sandgate Women's Shelter (Sutton West, Ontario), in partnership with the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario and the Community Legal Clinic of York Region, will train community workers and faith leaders serving victims of family violence on the criminal justice system. This project is an outgrowth of Connecting Communities.

$ 29,015
January 30, 2014
January 30, 2014

The Legal Clinic

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2015-2016

The Legal Clinic (Perth, ON) will have an Articling student to provide legal information and services to residents of rural and remote communities. The Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship Program.

$ 54,121
January 30, 2014