December 2, 2015

Law in Action Within Schools

LAWS Summer Job Program 2016

LAWS’ Summer Job Program places students in paid four-week jobs with law firms, government legal departments, corporate legal divisions, and public interest organizations. The grant will enable LAWS to place students in positions with legal aid clinics and public interest organizations that would otherwise be unable to employ the students, and provide unique opportunities to learn about public law and access to justice, observe the legal aid system, and interact directly with community members. 

$ 15,000
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Lanark County Community Justice Program Inc.

Promising Young People

LCCJ will expand its capacity to provide restorative justice practices to youth by proactively engaging with the 40 schools and youth centres in the county. Trained volunteers will work with the students, parents' associations and school administrators to assist them in using restorative justice practices to resolve issues of conflict.

$ 15,000
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Lakehead University, Faculty of Law

Annual Comprehensive 2016-17

The comprehensive grant will support activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.

$ 153,000
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Community Living Ontario

Community Living Ontario Wills and Estate Planning Guide

Community Living Ontario will work to develop a comprehensive resource guide for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families, outlining best practices for wills, trusts and estate planning.

$ 15,000
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Community Legal Education Ontario

Connecting Communities Secretariat

Community Legal Education Ontario will continue to house the Connecting Communities Secretariat to coordinate and support the activities of a group of legal and non-legal organizations working to improve access to justice for linguistic minorities and rural and remote communities.

$ 114,000
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust

Program Activities 2016

The Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust will conduct in-class seminars, workshops and lectures to students in elementary and high schools, and to pre-service teachers in faculties of education across Ontario via two programs: Teaching Civil Liberties and Civil Liberties in the Schools. The focus is on engaging students in critical thinking and respectful debate about rights and freedoms.

$ 221,100
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Black Law Students' Association of Canada

25th Annual National Conference

The BLSA Canada annual conference promotes professional development, legal education, mentorship, cultural awareness and access to justice.

$ 15,000
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted

Program Activities 2016

AIDWYC will continue to coordinate and administer its pro bono program that provides review and assessment of claims of innocence, and legal assistance for adopted cases of wrongful murder convictions.

$ 230,000
December 2, 2015
October 29, 2015

South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO)

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2017-2018

The South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (Toronto, ON) will hire an Articling Student to provide legal information and services to linguistic minorities. This Articling position is funded through the Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 29, 2015