October 24, 2016

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Access to Justice, Procedural Justice, and Fairness in Ontario Review Board Hearings: A Qualitative Study and Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis

In collaboration with Osgoode Hall Law School, CAMH will perform a qualitative study of the perceptions of ORB members and counsel for the accused, hospital and Crown, and senior clinicians regarding to what extent and how the disposition hearing process addresses the twin goals of protecting public safety and treating forensic patients fairly.

$ 94,047
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters

Public Education about Access to Justice in Canada

The Action Committee will build public access to justice education tools, and an Innovation Toolbox to advance public legal education about the importance of understanding and engaging in legal issues.

$ 54,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Community Legal Education Ontario/Education juridique communautaire Ontario

CLEO's Centre for Research and Innovation

CLEO's Centre for Research and Innovation will conduct research, facilitate partnerships and develop projects to help build the capacity of CLEO and other community organizations to reach marginalized communities with the legal information and education they need to understand their legal rights.

$ 95,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Conestoga College

Ontario College Libraries: Access to QuickLaw for fourteen college libraries with Law Society accredited Paralegal Programs

Fourteen community colleges in Ontario will purchase a consortial subscription to Quicklaw. The subscription will allow the students and faculty of Ontario’s paralegal programs full access to this standard electronic legal resource for both teaching and research purposes.

$ 100,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Native Law Centre

Support for the Native Law Centre's mandate

The NLC will carry out research and educational activities on issues in Aboriginal and constitutional law. It also maintains an online database of legal pleadings in cases of interest to practitioners of Aboriginal law, and publishes resources on developments in Aboriginal law with a focus on Aboriginal concepts of justice.

$ 20,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Communication Disabilities Access Canada

Increasing the access to justice for people who have speech and language disabilities

CDAC will increase access to justice for people with speech and language disabilities by informing people who have these disabilities about their right to communication accommodations and intermediaries when using justice services, and by increasing the capacity of the justice sector to make their services accessible for this population by knowing how and when to engage communication intermediaries.

$ 98,894
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services Corporation

On the Front Line: Legal Information Training for Frontline Workers Supporting Clients when Interacting with Police [or the Legal System]

Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services will provide legal information training to frontline workers in Thunder Bay, and Sioux Lookout and surrounding communities on supporting their clients when interacting with police or the legal system.

$ 38,450
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2018-2019

The South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (Toronto, ON) will hire an Articling Student to provide legal services to linguistic minorities in 2018-2019. This Articling position is funded through the Foundation's Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

The Legal Clinic

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2018-2019

The Legal Clinic will hire an Articling student to provide legal services to residents of rural and remote communities in 2018-2019. The Articling position is funded through the Foundation's Connecting Articling Fellowship Program.

$ 60,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Community Advocacy & Legal Centre (CALC)

Connecting Articling Fellowship 2018-2019

The Community Advocacy and Legal Clinic (Belleville, ON) will hire an Articling Student to provide legal services to residents of rural and remote communities in 2018-2019. This Articling position is funded through the Foundation's Connecting Articling Fellowship program.

$ 60,000
October 24, 2016