October 24, 2016

Youth Now Canada

Connections for Youth with FASD

Youth Now Canada will pilot a program to provide youth in the Cornwall area afflicted with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) information and hands-on support in dealing with their legal issues.

$ 60,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Canadian Families and Corrections Network

Parole Information for the Incarcerated and their Families

Canadian Families and Corrections Network will develop a resource explaining the parole process for those who are incarcerated and those who support them.

$ 24,350
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Black Law Students' Association of Canada

Annual Conference 2017 (Windsor, ON)

BLSA Canada will put on its annual conference to promote professional development, legal education, mentorship, cultural awareness, and access to justice.

$ 20,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Gillian's Place

Inclusive Access to Justice for Victims of Domestic Violence - Phase 1

Gillian's Place will conduct research to support the creation of an online, regionally specific legal information resource tor women who have been victims of domestic violence.

$ 3,500
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Public Legal Information Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador’s Child Protection System: Legal Support for Indigenous Communities

PLIAN will create simple, easy-to-read information pamphlets explaining the basics of the child protection system, translated into 3 Indigenous languages common in Newfoundland and Labrador. Further, PLIAN will carry out a series of information sessions and community roundtables on the child protection system in several Indigenous communities.

$ 93,100
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

FCJ Refugee Centre

The Relearning Refugee Protection Program

FCJ Refugee Centre will continue to ensure access to justice for precarious migrants with a focus on new and emerging areas of immigration policy and intersections with the criminal justice system. It will also increase the capacity of other refugee-serving organizations to do the same through training workshops.

$ 50,000
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Community Legal Education Ontario

Legal Information Online Course for Library Staff

CLEO and the Ontario Library Association will develop and offer an eight-week online certification course for library staff on key aspects of legal information and referral. The aim of the course is to increase the capacity of library staff to help patrons who have legal problems.

$ 40,600
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre

"Youth and the Law" Neighbourhood Expansion Initiative: A Community Media Training and Justice Education Strategic Collaboration Project

Regent Park Focus will collaborate with the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN), local police services, Toronto Community Housing, lawyers, and other officials in the courts and justice system, to engage a minimum of 50 youth (ages 14-24) from four Toronto neighbourhoods  in the research, production, and broadcasting of a series of "Youth and the Law" media segments.

$ 37,925
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Scadding Court Community Centre

The Talk

The SCCC will work with 3-5 low-income, racialized youth living with mental health concerns as peer educators to increase access to mental health supports for young people who are involved in, or at-risk of being involved in, the criminal justice system.

$ 74,486
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016

Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family

Limited Scope Retainer Assessment Project

This two-year Alberta project will encourage lawyers and the public to use limited scope retainers where full retainer counsel is not possible, not affordable or not desired. It will assess lawyers' and clients' experience with limited scope work. The project will result in a report that evaluates the experiences of lawyers and clients participating in the program.

$ 38,400
October 24, 2016