Provincial Indigenous human rights training initiative [Year 2]
This project is an expansion of the original project. The OFIFC will deliver six half-day legal education workshops on human rights legislation aimed at 200 community leaders within Indigenous Friendship Centre communities. Attendees will include Friendship Centre staff, board members, and volunteers. The workshops will provide training on how to distinguish potential human rights violations and how to access the provincial human rights system.
$ 37,398
February 16, 2017
Connecting Region - Connecting Ottawa
Connecting Ottawa will continue to coordinate a consortium of over 40 legal and non-legal organizations to implement a regional plan to provide legal information and referrals to people who are not proficient in English or French or who face communication challenges as the result of a disability or sensory impairment.
$ 256,560
February 16, 2017
Connecting Communities Secretariat
Community Legal Education Ontario will continue to house the Connecting Communities Secretariat to coordinate and support legal and non-legal organizations working to improve access to justice for linguistic minorities and rural and remote communities by training frontline workers and trusted intermediaries.
$ 114,000
February 16, 2017
Connecting Communities: Building capacity of community leaders to respond to family violence in the context of early identification
The Centre will create a program to educate frontline social service workers, including settlement workers within the Muslim community, as well as Muslim religious leaders and possibly other faith leaders. The focus will be on child welfare law, immigration law, and intimate partner violence.
$ 50,000
February 16, 2017
Refugee Sponsorship Support Program (SSP): Three-year service plan
The SSP will provide legal support for private sponsorship groups across Canada through four core activities: a training program for lawyers and law students who volunteer to help sponsors complete private refugee sponsorship applications; direct support through a variety of service delivery models, including legal clinics and matching programs with SSP-trained pro-bono lawyer; a public outreach program to promote SSP services and provide basic public legal information to support sponsor groups; and a campus program to train and engage law students in direct support of refugee sponsorship and sponsorship-related research.
$ 154,440
January 17, 2017
Children's lawyer initiative
The Children's Lawyer Initiative is a three-year project to establish a children's lawyer in BC. The initiative will serve the legal needs of children in contested family law cases, child protection matters, and other legal matters faced by children.
$ 300,000
January 17, 2017
Formative and summative evaluation of a program for crossover youth in Ontario
Ryerson will conduct a formative and summative evaluation of the Cross-Over Youth Project (COYP), a four-year demonstration program designed to address the systemic factors that contribute both to the high rate of youth in Ontario who transition from the child welfare to the juvenile justice system and to the poor outcomes they experience, compared to their non-child welfare counterparts.
$ 92,264
January 17, 2017
Supporting young victims of human sex trafficking through the justice system
Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre will design, implement and evaluate a pilot project to increase access to justice for young victims of human sex trafficking in Toronto. This pilot project will be developed in coordination with the Human Trafficking Enforcement Team of Toronto Police Services and other organizations. The model will be made available to other child advocacy centres across Canada that are working with this population.
$ 86,476
January 17, 2017
Strengthening governance, phase 3
PBSC will finalize its new governance model
$ 8,842
January 17, 2017
Legal and policy tools for source water protection: A tri-First Nation (Chippewa/ Munsee/ Oneida) & CELA initiative
The Chippewas of the Thames First Nation and the Canadian Environmental Law Association will develop legal and policy mechanisms to protect and improve the drinking water for three First Nations in southwestern Ontario.
$ 108,198
January 17, 2017