The access to justice simulation game
OJEN will to expand the reach and depth of its successful Access to Justice Simulation Game. It will produce durable and re-useable print versions of the simulation materials that can be made available to educators; develop a digital platform for the simulation; and create comprehensive facilitator’s guides that explain how to use the simulation with different audiences.
$ 64,000
February 16, 2017
Community engagement in international justice
The Community Engagement in International Justice project will provide legal education to refugees and immigrants who have survived serious international human rights violations, such as torture and war crimes, about the options for redress that may be available in Canada and globally. The project will also provide opportunities to engage survivors in emblematic human rights cases and other justice initiatives being advanced through the CCIJ and its team of pro bono lawyers.
$ 92,400
February 16, 2017
Public Legal Education Nova Scotia (PLENS) Project
The Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia and the Association des juristes d’expression française de la Nouvelle-Écosse will work together to provide a more effective, coordinated, and collaborative public legal education, information, and referral hub.
$ 100,000
February 16, 2017
Program activities 2017-2018
OJEN will carry out programs that facilitate and support broad-based activity by the judiciary, the bar, the courts, and the education community throughout Ontario, with a primary focus on students and the strengthening of links between the justice and education communities. It will enhance existing high school mock trial competitions and deliver Law Day activities that are designed to develop awareness of the legal profession, the judicial system, and the rule of law in Canada.
$ 850,000
February 16, 2017
Program activities 2017-18
Pro Bono Students Canada will continue to provide practical learning experiences for law students and free legal information and services to Canadian organizations and individuals in need.
$ 541,396
February 16, 2017
Indigenous legal/justice traditions research project
The OFIFC will undertake a community-driven research project to recognize local Indigenous legal/justice knowledge and enhance the delivery of the OFIFC’s Aboriginal Community Justice Programs. The goal of the project is for Friendship Centres to engage with local Indigenous knowledge keepers regarding traditional legal and community justice approaches. The project will explore how Indigenous communities dealt with conflicts and harmful behaviours traditionally and how those approaches, principles, and teachings can reframe or enhance the delivery of the Aboriginal Community Justice Program.
$ 100,000
February 16, 2017
The Urban Lawyers / Les Juristes Urbains
Clinique Juridique Juripop will bring legal professionals together in a vacant space for a festive family event to create a unifying space for making the law accessible to the public.
$ 40,000
February 16, 2017
Provincial Indigenous human rights training initiative [Year 2]
This project is an expansion of the original project. The OFIFC will deliver six half-day legal education workshops on human rights legislation aimed at 200 community leaders within Indigenous Friendship Centre communities. Attendees will include Friendship Centre staff, board members, and volunteers. The workshops will provide training on how to distinguish potential human rights violations and how to access the provincial human rights system.
$ 37,398
February 16, 2017
Connecting Region - Connecting Ottawa
Connecting Ottawa will continue to coordinate a consortium of over 40 legal and non-legal organizations to implement a regional plan to provide legal information and referrals to people who are not proficient in English or French or who face communication challenges as the result of a disability or sensory impairment.
$ 256,560
February 16, 2017
Connecting Communities Secretariat
Community Legal Education Ontario will continue to house the Connecting Communities Secretariat to coordinate and support legal and non-legal organizations working to improve access to justice for linguistic minorities and rural and remote communities by training frontline workers and trusted intermediaries.
$ 114,000
February 16, 2017