Design thinking and technology: responding to the justice needs of Aboriginal youth
The Winkler Institute for Dispute Resolution will expand on activities funded through a previous grant to use "design thinking" to explore how technology might be used to implement the recommendations found in the "Feathers of Hope Justice & Juries: A First Nations Youth Action Plan for Justice" report.
$ 11,800
June 13, 2017
RISE 2.0
This project will support newcomer youth and their families as they navigate the youth criminal justice system, while providing wrap-around support to the justice-engaged youth. The project will focus on newcomer youth and families living in high priority neighbourhoods.
$ 86,137
June 12, 2017
Project Phoenix: At last public environmental law education, intake and referral in Quebec
The CQDE will develop a free online archive of plain language legal information on environmental law, including a guide to the Environmental Quality Act, the cornerstone legislation for environmental law in Quebec. The project will also provide structured internships for law students.
$ 95,000
May 23, 2017
Park Extension Legal Clinic
In partnership with the Comité d'action de Parc-Extension, MELC will offer pro-bono legal services to individuals and nonprofit organizations in the Park Extension neighbourhood in Montreal through a community legal clinic staffed by law students from McGill University and the Université de Montréal.
$ 99,000
May 23, 2017
Law in the classroom: accessible, relevant, interesting and instructive
Éducaloi will create a distribution platform to serve as a hub for legal education resources, consolidate a network of legal information providers, and create a legal training session for high school teachers.
$ 96,876
May 23, 2017
Program activities 2017-18
METRAC will build the capacity of individuals, communities and organizations to effectively assist the most marginalized women and youth facing violence and in need of legal information. Program activities include providing legal education and information in clear language on a range of topics for service providers and producing and disseminating regionally targeted and multilingual legal information resources sensitive to the diverse experiences and realities of women.
$ 293,575
May 23, 2017
Youth access to justice clinic and outreach program
The proposed program will provide legal education, information, and advice to youth. It will also create connections between relevant stakeholders in the youth criminal justice system, improve access to justice for youth, and ensure that the principles of the Youth Criminal Justice Act are being met.
$ 99,800
May 23, 2017
Evaluation of Law Help Ontario
Pro Bono Ontario will evaluate Law Help Ontario's services provided at Small Claims Court.
$ 52,000
May 23, 2017
The legal health of young mothers / La santé juridique des jeunes mamans!
Éducaloi will create legal education workshops as well as web articles and a printed guide to help young mothers develop the knowledge and skills they need to identify and manage legal issues that arise in their day-to-day lives.
$ 94,714
May 23, 2017
L'info juridique sur mesure!
The AJEFO will develop four legal information sessions in French for four low-income or marginalized groups in Ontario: seniors, newcomers, women victims of spousal violence, and LGBTQUIA communities. Potential topics include wills, powers of attorney, Canadian criminal law, family law, and human rights. The sessions will also be recorded and posted online in webinar format.
$ 54,500
April 24, 2017