September 19, 2017

Community Legal Education Ontario

Your Legal Rights/Steps to Justice 2017-2018

Community Legal Education Ontario will continue to develop the Your Legal Rights site, which serves as the central hub for all public legal education and information (PLEI) in Ontario. It will also establish best practices and tools for online PLEI work and continue to develop content for the Steps to Justice site, an interactive, step-by-step site that gives comprehensive online information about common legal problems that people experience in family, housing, employment, and other areas of law.

$ 140,000
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Family Service Toronto

Trauma-informed lawyering in family court

FST will conduct a gap analysis to find out why valuable training and resources now available to trusted intermediaries (social service workers) who prepare domestic violence survivors to work with family court lawyers as well as trauma training now available to family court lawyers is not consistently improving outcomes for clients. Research data may identify training improvements or other solutions that can be introduced to improve outcomes for all parties involved.

$ 14,875
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

University of Victoria, Faculty of Law

Kipimoojikewin ("the things we carry with us"): How Anishinaabe Law Upholds Local Governance

ILRU will assist local lawmaking, law-acting, and law-thinking, through the articulation of Anishinaabe legal principles and processes that inform essential constitutional and governance concepts such as citizenship, rights and freedoms, consent, authority, and civility. The project will benefit partner Indigenous communities in revitalizing their Indigenous legal traditions.

$ 148,240
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Native Law Centre

Gladue Awareness Project (GAP)

The NLC will hire a research officer who will train Saskatchewan justice workers on Gladue factors, including writing and understanding Gladue reports. The project will facilitate a knowledge-sharing program for justice stakeholders in Saskatchewan, including judges, defence lawyers, Crown attorneys, and court workers. It will take place over twelve months, during which time approximately 27 seminars will be held at 16 locations throughout the province.

$ 84,945
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Prince Edward Island Parenting Coordination Society

Screening for family violence, abuse and power imbalances: a workshop for parenting coordinators and other dispute resolutions professionals

PEIPCS will train family dispute resolution professionals on how to screen for family violence and power imbalances in parenting coordination matters that come before them. The two-day workshop will be aimed at legal and mental health professionals in both the public and private spheres and will improve outcomes for families involved in the court system.

$ 7,765
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Reach Canada

REACH Youth Program

REACH will host legal clinics and PLE sessions in housing, employment, health, and social benefits law for disabled youth and young adults who are in and transitioning from child protection services. In addition, REACH will liaise with youth protection and support organizations to raise awareness about its services and facilitate contact and communication with this vulnerable population.

$ 14,797
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Rights Advocacy Coalition for Equality (R.A.C.E.)

Rights Advocacy Coalition for Equality

RACE will hire a legal director who will develop RACE’s organizational capacity to deliver legal education seminars. Activities include developing a legal database of caselaw that focuses on race issues, developing a FOI resource bank for lawyers, and developing continuing legal education workshops for legal professionals. This project will benefit vulnerable racialized accused persons and criminal lawyers in Toronto by exploring the barriers to justice faced by racialized accused.

$ 70,000
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Second Chance Scholarship Foundation Inc.

Roy & Ria McMurtry Endowment 2016-17

The Second Chance Scholarship Foundation will provide a post-secondary education scholarship to a youth enrolled in a program relating to legal education who is currently, or has been, involved in the criminal justice system or who is at risk of such.

$ 5,000
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Somali Canadian Association of Etobicoke

The Ontario Justice System: Understanding the Youth Criminal Justice Act

SCAE will develop and deliver workshops detailing key aspects of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The focus of the project will be on encouraging youth to educate themselves about the justice system and providing useful tools on how racialized youth should conduct themselves when interacting with the law.

$ 69,100
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Union of Ontario Indians

Anishinabek Nation Legal Department Child Welfare Awareness Initiative

UOI will create a booklet that will build awareness around rights and obligations of Indigenous families involved in child protection proceedings. This booklet will be disseminated to UOI community members and will help those navigating CFSA proceedings.

$ 15,000
September 19, 2017