October 23, 2017

WoodGreen Community Services

Rooming House Stabilization and Eviction Prevention Program

This project aims to proactively prevent evictions by providing legal education to those who live in or run rooming houses in the Parkdale area of Toronto (both licensed and unlicensed), ensuring they understand their rights as tenants or obligations as landlords.

$ 82,445
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

Worker's Action Centre

Moving forward: public education on expanded protections for workers in precarious and low-waged work

WAC will develop and implement a comprehensive public education strategy on the significant changes to Ontario's employment and labour laws that were passed by the provincial government in 2017.

$ 50,000
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Voices of sex workers: affidavit project

CHALN will document and educate the public about the impact of law enforcement practices, such as the enforcement provisions contained in the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (2014), on the health and safety of sex workers and their ability to access medical care and social services. Affidavits with first-hand testimonials from sex workers in several cities, as well as other key informant interviews, will be collected and used to produce educational resources including a report, info sheets, and a short video which will be disseminated and promoted at a public forum and in a peer-reviewed journal.

$ 97,895
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

Canadian National Institute for the Blind – Ontario Division

Know your Rights Project

Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) will develop a variety of resources including guides, fact sheets, and training workshops to provide the sight loss community with the tools to navigate the Ontario legal system and challenge discrimination through legal channels.

$ 100,000
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

Community Legal Education Ontario

CLEO's Centre for Research and Innovation

CLEO's Centre for Research and Innovation will conduct research, facilitate partnerships, and develop projects to help build the capacity of CLEO and other community organizations to reach marginalized communities with the legal information and education they need to understand their legal rights.

$ 95,000
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

Council of Agencies Serving South Asians

Access to Opportunities for Refugees - A legal education project for refugee youth

CASSA will develop and disseminate a legal toolkit and hold four legal information workshops (two in the GTA and two in Waterloo) for refugee youth.

$ 56,000
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

FCJ Refugee Centre

Migrant Protection Clinics

FCJ Refugee Centre will provide clinics at refugee-serving organizations across the GTA and in London to train staff at those organizations to better help refugees through the refugee determination and other processes.

$ 50,000
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017

La Passerelle-I.D.É

Access to Justice in French for Ontario’s Francophone Immigrants

La Passerelle-I.D.É train young Francophone racialized immigrants to improve access to justice and hold a justice career fair for young Francophone racialized immigrants.

$ 30,000
October 23, 2017
September 19, 2017

BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres

Provincial Child Welfare Training Advocate

BCAAFC will hire a Provincial Indigenous child welfare training advocate who will train to community frontline workers to better support Indigenous families that come into contact with the child welfare system in BC. This training will be delivered to staff of the 25 Friendship Centres in BC.

$ 100,000
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family

Evaluation of Alberta's mandatory early intervention case conference pilot project

The grantee will evaluate an ongoing pilot project by the Alberta's Court of Queen's Bench that requires early intervention case conferences in family law matters so that the court can reduce interim applications, reduce the number of files requiring case management, and ensure trials occur within a reasonable period of time. This grant will determine whether the pilot project is meeting its stated goals, using a multi-component research design.

$ 15,000
September 19, 2017