Annual Comprehensive 2018-19
The grant will support activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 254,000
December 18, 2017
Annual Comprehensive 2018-19
The grant will support activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 254,000
December 18, 2017
North Halton family law clinic
The Women's Centre of Halton will establish and run a weekly pro bono family law legal clinic in Milton, Ontario.
$ 8,717
December 18, 2017
Annual Comprehensive 2018-19
The grant will support activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 306,000
December 18, 2017
Connecting Communities: Protecting Latino Seniors Under the Umbrella of Law and Rights in Ontario
HDC will conduct a series of eight workshops with frontline workers and community leaders to provide training on the legal and human rights challenges that immigrant Latino Hispanic seniors face.
$ 48,060
November 21, 2017
Program Activities 2018-19
LAWS is a partnership between the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, and the Toronto District School Board that delivers a law and justice-themed academic and extra-curricular high school program designed to teach students about law and justice, support them to graduate from high school, access post-secondary education, and consider careers in the justice sector.
$ 100,000
October 23, 2017
Support for the Native Law Centre's mandate
The NLC will carry out research and educational activities on issues in Aboriginal and constitutional law. It also maintains an online database of legal pleadings in cases of interest to practitioners of Aboriginal law and publishes resources on developments in Aboriginal law with a focus on Aboriginal concepts of justice.
$ 20,000
October 23, 2017
Legal Referral Community Expansion Project
Reach will expand its legal referral services to assist a larger number of people with disabilities, including French-speaking clients, by recruiting more lawyers and mediators from communities surrounding Ottawa and by connecting with community service organizations to increase their awareness of these free services.
$ 60,572
October 23, 2017
Arts in Transformative Justice
Arts in Transformative Justice is a two-year project that will focus on increasing the legal capacity of ‘hard to reach’ youth by building their knowledge and understanding of legal rights of people who are homeless. Arts in Transformative Justice will recruit and train youth to provide legal information and peer-education to homeless and street involved youth through an accessible multi-arts framework.
$ 100,000
October 23, 2017
BLSA Canada 2018 Annual Conference (Montreal)
BLSA Canada will put on its annual conference to promote professional development, legal education, mentorship, cultural awareness, and access to justice.
$ 20,000
October 23, 2017