Family law at the library: Mobilizing the potential of public libraries to serve self-represented litigant
The National Self-Represented Litigant Project (NSRLP) based at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law will partner with libraries in the Windsor and Essex County areas to provide support, workspace, custom-made resources, and educational programming for family self-represented litigants (SRLs). This grant will benefit both library staff and SRLs and concludes in 2020. This grant will further access to justice by better equipping public libraries to better serve SRLs with family law needs, this pilot project would be able to provide access to legal information for people, particularly litigants with limited resources, other vulnerabilities and needs.
$ 100,000
February 22, 2018
Increasing use of non-traditional legal services for Ontario family cases
This initiative will mobilize and educate lawyers across Ontario in the use of unbundled family law legal services and legal coaching, pilot a program in Barrie that provides private duty counsel services, establish a roster of trained lawyers, develop information for the public, and undertake an evaluation of all aforementioned services. The project will be overseen by a steering committee made up of representatives from the Ontario Court of Justice, the Family Lawyers Association, Legal Aid Ontario, and the Academy among many others. The purpose of the project is to increase access to these types of services to allow those who are unable to afford (or not prepared to pay for) traditional full legal representation to have improved access to family justice. The proposed research study will be the first comprehensive study of the value and limitations of limited scope services to date.
$ 250,000
February 22, 2018
French family law content for Steps to Justice
CLEO will develop and implement a French version of family law content on its Steps to Justice website. The Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG), a major project partner, funded the translation of the initial website content for family, housing, and employment law into French. This will allow for the production of further French family law material.
$ 40,000
February 22, 2018
The ACCT will run a culturally sensitive campaign promoting legal awareness of Canadian family law for Arabic-speaking newcomers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Based on focus group discussions with members of the community, short educational videos in Arabic will be created and shared on social media.
$ 15,000
December 18, 2017
Journée du droit 2018
AJEFO will organize and lead "Journée du droit" (Law Day) activities aimed at Francophone high school students in five different regions of the province. Interactive workshops provide information about careers in the justice sector, the required education and the advantages to pursuing that education in French, and education about legal rights and the Canadian justice system.
$ 15,000
December 18, 2017
Program Activities 2018
CCLET will conduct in-class seminars, workshops, and lectures to students in elementary and high schools and to pre-service teachers in faculties of education across Ontario via two programs: Teaching Civil Liberties and Civil Liberties in the Schools. The focus is on engaging students in critical thinking and respectful debate about rights and freedoms.
$ 221,100
December 18, 2017
Justice system involvement in the context of homelessness and housing insecurity among women: assessment of legal issues and program needs in Thunder Bay
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern Ontario will carry out research on the criminalization of women who are homeless or housing-insecure. By conducting focus groups and engaging women with lived experience, the research will assess the extent to which housing insecurity and homelessness leads to criminal justice system involvement, with particular attention to the experiences of Indigenous women. In addition, the study will identify gender-specific and culturally relevant needs pertaining to housing, social, mental health and legal supports for women involved with the criminal justice system.
$ 14,937
December 18, 2017
Program activities 2018
Innocence Canada will continue to coordinate and administer its pro bono program, which reviews and assesses claims of innocence.
$ 230,000
December 18, 2017
Annual Comprehensive 2018-19
The grant will support activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 153,000
December 18, 2017
The Action Group on Access to Justice
The Action Group on Access to Justice (TAG) will bring together institutional, political and community justice system stakeholders throughout Ontario and build the infrastructure for collaboration, cross-sector innovation, and coordinated solutions to the access to justice problem.
$ 125,000
December 18, 2017