Annual Comprehensive 2024-2025
The University of Toronto, Faculty of Law will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 368,900
December 13, 2023
Annual Comprehensive 2024-2025
Osgoode Hall Law School will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 444,400
December 13, 2023
Annual Comprehensive 2024-2025
The University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 368,900
December 13, 2023
Annual Comprehensive 2024-2025
The University of Windsor, Faculty of Law will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.
$ 368900.00
December 13, 2023
Catalyst II 2024
The Métis Nation of Ontario's Advocacy Program will increase understanding of individual rights, responsibilities, and the legal system as a whole, encompassing knowledge and awareness of laws, regulations, and legal processes that affect the lives of Métis people.
$ 188,500
December 13, 2023
Roy & Ria McMurtry Endowment 2023
The Second Chance Scholarship Foundation will provide a post-secondary education scholarship to a student who is, has been, or is at risk of becoming in conflict with the law and who is enrolled in a college or university program relating to legal education.
$ 10,000
December 13, 2023
Catalyst II 2024
The 519’s Access to Justice and Direct Legal Services program responds to the legal needs of LGBTQ2S communities in Toronto and Ontario. The 519 offers a general summary advice legal clinic, specialty legal clinics for criminal law, immigration and refugee law, housing law, and Trans ID matters, refugee mock hearings, a court support program, and public legal education workshops. This initiative will enhance access to legal resources that are tailored to the specific needs of LGBTQ2S communities in the province.
$ 175,400
October 24, 2023
Catalyst II 2024
Aboriginal Legal Services (ALS) supports Indigenous community members across Ontario who are experiencing legal issues. ALS offers legal services such as court workers, Gladue services, a post-charge diversion program, an alternative dispute resolution program for child welfare matters, and justice circles. This initiative enhances Indigenous communities’ access to legal services that are culturally responsive.
$ 175,400
October 24, 2023
Catalyst II 2024
L’Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Ontario (AJEFO) will offer services at its legal information centre in Ottawa and deliver workshops on a range of legal topics. Ontarians are also able to access legal information through AJEFO’s portal. This initiative will enhance Ontarians’ access to French language legal services.
$ 254,100
October 24, 2023
Catalyst II 2024
The Criminalization of Women Pro-Bono Project at the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic will provide trauma-informed summary legal advice, brief services, and referrals to women and non-binary people who have experienced gender-based violence and have been charged with or convicted of a criminal offence. This initiative will connect women and non-binary people to responsive and trauma-informed legal support.
$ 176,100
October 24, 2023