Alberta family law legal advice project
The Edmonton Community Legal Centre (ECLC) will provide family law legal advice appointments to low income Northern Albertans, with assistance from Edmonton pro bono family law lawyers and various technologies (Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, etc) such that people are served in their own communities. Outcome evaluation will also be conducted to determine the effectiveness of each type of technology as well as client outcome and levels of satisfaction. This grant will benefit Northern Albertans and concludes in 2022. This grant furthers access to justice by providing access to family law services to those living in Northern Alberta, which is largely an underserved region.
$ 230,000
April 30, 2018
Connecting Communities Secretariat 2018
Community Legal Education Ontario will continue to house the Connecting Communities Secretariat to coordinate and support the activities of legal and non-legal organizations working to improve access to justice. It facilitates legal information training for front line workers in communities that are not proficient in English or French and in rural and remote communities. The project also strengthens linkages between legal and community workers in Ontario and is part of the Foundation's strategic focus on the training of trusted intermediaries.
$ 85,500
April 30, 2018
Muslim women's family law legal rights
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) will inform Canadian Muslim women of their legal rights under Canadian family law. The CCMW will conduct a national survey, outreach strategy, knowledge sharing workshops, and webinars in both English and French. CCMW, through its local chapters, will be the conduit to provide knowledge sharing workshops in their local communities to Muslim women. This grant will conclude in 2020. This grant furthers access to justice in the lives of Muslim women in Canada by having increased knowledge and understanding of their rights under the Canadian legal system.
$ 228,225
April 30, 2018
Promoting access to family law justice for immigrants
The AJEFO will develop a three-day French-language family law training course. This course will be offered to parties who work with immigrants and Francophone immigrants in Ontario. La Passerelle-I.D.É. will assist with the cultural adaptation of the training course content. The training will be delivered in Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton.
$ 140,030
April 30, 2018
First Nation laws to protect children and families
The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) and the Public Interest Law Centre (PILC) is for a project aimed at revitalizing and codifying First Nation law relating to families and children with a focus on child protection. A digital library will be created to ensure the laws and information obtained from the activities can be used for educational purposes. This grant will benefit First Nations families and children, particularly children in the child welfare system and concludes in 2020. This grant furthers access to justice by providing an independent and community controlled process to revitalize and codify First Nations laws as a way to reform the child welfare system in Manitoba.
$ 250,000
April 30, 2018
Travailler ensemble en français : colloque provincial sur le droit de la famille et la violence conjugale / Working together in French: Provincial Symposium on Family Law and Spousal Violence
Organize a two-day symposium to bring French speaking professionals together to discuss topics related to violence toward women and family law in order to increase access to justice for Francophone women who experience violence in Ontario. Attendees will come from sectors that deal with VAW, including the legal sector, children's aid, education, health policy, and immigration sectors.
$ 177,975
April 30, 2018
Program activities 2018
Pro Bono Students Canada will continue to provide practical learning experiences for law students and free legal information and services to Canadian organizations and individuals in need.
$ 360,930
March 29, 2018
Program activities 2018
OJEN will carry out programs that facilitate and support broad-based activity by the judiciary, the bar, the courts, and the education community throughout Ontario, with a primary focus on students and the strengthening of links between the justice and education communities. It will enhance existing high school mock trial competitions and deliver Law Day activities that are designed to develop awareness of the legal profession, the judicial system, and the rule of law in Canada.
$ 637,500
March 29, 2018
Connecting Communities: Environmental sensitivities and related conditions (ES+) rental housing network
The Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation will hold a one-day consultation and training session with service providers, housing specialists, and tenants who have experienced environmental sensitivity issues in rental housing. Following the in-person session, a webinar and toolkit will be developed focussing on the benefits of using a human rights approach to resolve issues experienced by individuals with ES+. The project's partners include the Environmental Health Institute of Canada (EHICanada) and the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA). The project supports access to justice in rural and remote areas through the training of trusted intermediaries.
$ 42,850
March 29, 2018
Service scale up project
Aspire will scale up its services as a family law incubator which makes use of technology, trains young lawyers, and shares best practices with other legal professionals.
$ 250,000
March 29, 2018