December 18, 2018

University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section

Annual Comprehensive 2019-2020

The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law Civil Law Section will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.

$ 168,300
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018

University of Toronto, Faculty of Law

Accessing Justice: National Online Guides to Police Oversight Procedures

University of Toronto, Faculty of Law’s David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights will produce plain-language public legal information guides describing the relevant procedures for when a member of the public wishes to make a complaint about the police. The project will benefit members of the public. The objective of the project is to make more accessible the various complex police oversight complaints mechanisms.

$ 59,350
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018

University of Toronto, Faculty of Law

Annual Comprehensive 2019-2020

University of Toronto, Faculty of Law will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.

$ 279,400
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018

University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law

Annual Comprehensive 2019-2020

University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.

$ 279,400
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018

University of Windsor, Faculty of Law

Annual Comprehensive 2019-2020

The University of Windsor, Faculty of Law will conduct activities that respond to access to justice needs in the local community and provide student enrichment opportunities through experiential learning and other means.

$ 279,400
December 18, 2018
November 19, 2018

Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc.

Compensation for Victims of Crime Advocacy (CVoCA) Project

Community Law School will provide training in the Sarnia, Barrie, and London areas to frontline social service workers and at various provincial umbrella organizations connected to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. The training will enable frontline workers to support their clients throughout the Criminal Injuries Compensation process. Four training webinars will be produced in cooperation with Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) using the intensive training materials and be made available through CLEO's Your Legal Rights website for use by numerous social service agencies across the province. Victims of violence will benefit from this program while they assist them in obtaining compensation.

$ 44,282
November 19, 2018
November 19, 2018

Gilbert Centre for Social and Support Services

Trans Youth and the Law

The Gilbert Centre for Social and Support Services will conduct workshops on legal information and system navigation training for frontline workers, parents, and community leaders with respect to transgender children, youth and families, and the law. This project will promote a better understanding of the rights of transgender and gender variant children and youth and parents, and provide frontline workers and educators knowledge about their legal rights.

$ 18,100
November 19, 2018
November 19, 2018

YWCA St. Thomas Elgin

Before You Sign

YWCA St. Thomas Elgin will work with project partners and participating communities to design and deliver workshops, training material, and podcasts for immigrants and newcomers to provide them with basic legal information on high-need areas such as landlord-tenant, consumer, and contract law. Frontline workers also will be trained. The project will benefit immigrants and newcomers by supporting trusted intermediaries to better equip members of these groups with the legal basics to navigate Canadian society.

$ 45,546
November 19, 2018
October 29, 2018

Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association

The Pilot Clinic Law Initiative for Muslim Communities Project

Canadian Muslim Lawyers' Association (CMLA) will provide pro bono legal education workshops, summary legal advice, and referrals in Toronto. Partners include the Arab Canadian Lawyers’ Association. This grant will benefit low-income Muslim communities in Toronto. CMLA aims to connect underserved Muslim communities to linguistically and culturally sensitive legal services.

$ 15,000
October 29, 2018
October 29, 2018

Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc.

Supporting Family and Friends of Those With Mental Health Challenges: Mental Health Laws and Advocacy

Community Law School will develop workshop materials on various mental health laws for the community in Sarnia. Partners include the Lambton Mental Wellness Centre. This grant will benefit the family and friends of those living with mental health challenges. Community Law School aims to bolster the ability of families to help their family members who are living with mental illness and experiencing legal issues.

$ 14,350
October 29, 2018