A Home of My Own Guide to Tenant Rights & Responsibilities
Bridges to Belonging will develop a plain language guide for people living with disabilities on their rights and responsibilities as a tenant. The resource will allow individuals in the Waterloo region to better understand the laws governing tenancy regardless of their level of literacy and facilitate more independent living arrangements. It is hoped the format will be disseminated to other agencies in the province to increase access to justice and independence for people with disabilities.
$ 15,000
June 24, 2019
A Feasibility Assessment for a L(legal)-Consult System to Bring Timely Legal Information to Underserved Populations Using Community Primary Healthcare
The Bruyere Research Centre will conduct a feasibility assessment for a L(Legal)-Consult system that would establish web-based communications between primary care health practitioners and legal workers to provide appropriate and timely legal information to patients with legal issues. The assessment would set the stage for a 12 to 24 month implementation and evaluation of such a system which if successful, would allow the implementation of legal-medical partnerships by facilitating communication between health and legal workers without the need for the services of an on-site lawyer.
$ 14,955
June 24, 2019
Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Telecom Policy Review
Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic proposes to create a fully public information portal that uses artificial intelligence to process, and provide information regarding telecommunications policy, to be used in consumer protection.
$ 98,595
June 24, 2019
Human Rights and Eviction Prevention Services 2.0
Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA) will establish, promote, pilot, and evaluate new online service interfaces for its existing direct services program that serves approximately 1,300 `Ontario renters each year who are facing eviction or have a human rights-related housing issue. The project will improve access to CERA's programming, advancing the legal rights of people with respect to their housing.
$ 15,000
June 24, 2019
TAG's Access to Justice Week 2019
The Action Group on Access to Justice (TAG) will bring together institutional, political, and community justice system stakeholders throughout Ontario and build the infrastructure for collaboration, cross-sector innovation, and coordinated solutions to improve access to justice. Funding will support TAG's 2019 Access to Justice Week activities including a conference on the topic of public legal education organized by the Ontario Justice Education Network and Community Legal Education Ontario, as well as panel discussions, roundtable workshops, and keynote speaker events.
$ 39,561
June 24, 2019
Increasing Access to Justice for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
A collaborative of organizations who work in the intimate partner violence field are working together on a proposal to improve and expand training and support to a wide range of trusted intermediaries working in various sectors across Ontario to support frontline workers as they help women to use the law to make a difference in their lives.
$ 89,958
June 24, 2019
Indigenous Realities of Navigating the Canadian Justice System Project
The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) will expand the scope of their recently completed research project to conduct community-driven research (using its unique USAI Research Framework) into the impact of bail, remand, and other justice-related processes on urban Indigenous communities in Ontario, shedding light on the specific experiences of urban Indigenous people within these communities, as well as the specific partnerships, innovative program delivery solutions, and gaps in Friendship Centre services. OFIFC will build on its research by partnering with additional Friendship Centres in Ontario and broadening the geographic scope of this work. The work will provide valuable data to support policy discussions, program development, and contribute to the growing body of research regarding the treatment of Indigenous people in Ontario’s justice systems.
$ 100,000
June 24, 2019
The Data & Development Project
The Northside Hip Hop Archive housed at Ryerson University (NSHHA) will develop plain language materials on copyright and intellectual property laws geared at Canadian hip hop artists, with an emphasis on helping artists keep pace with the evolving digital music landscape and understand how to utilize new digital tools to protect their art. This grant will benefit local hip hop artists in Ontario and across Canada. Through this work, NSHHA aims to equip artists with the information needed to protect their art and to seek out legal remedies when they feel their rights have been infringed.
$ 36,930
June 24, 2019
Trans ID Clinic
SKETCH will establish the formal administration and management for its Trans ID Clinic to provide confidential legal guidance to young people aged 16-29 in the Greater Toronto Area to make changes to their name and gender markers on government identification documents. The clinics will be run in conjunction with Pro Bono Students Canada with pro bono legal services provided courtesy of Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP. Intensive training for lawyers and law students regarding transgender identities and the law will be provided by lawyers from the Justice for Children and Youth specialty clinic with assistance from a trans Peer Trainer. Complete and accurate government identification allows trans individuals increased access to secure housing, employment, and healthcare.
$ 15,000
June 24, 2019
Legal Aid Ontario Activities
To support Legal Aid Ontario activities.
$ 15,000,000
May 27, 2019