CLJF 2020/2021
Refugees as Transitional Justice Actors
Prasanna Balasundaram, staff lawyer at Downtown Legal Services, in collaboration with Professor Sean Rehaag at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, will develop a research methodology to understand the relationship between refugee populations in southern Ontario and transitional justice processes. The goal of the project is to develop a toolkit aimed at enhancing the public’s understanding of transitional justice while strengthening the capacity of refugee, diasporic, and other civil society organizations in Ontario to prevent persecutory circumstances from arising and facilitate access to transitional justice processes.
$ 14,810
June 29, 2020
CLJF 2020/2021
Powers of Attorney 101
How to Be a Power of Attorney in Ontario: A Free Course for Everyone
Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, in partnership with the University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, will create a free online multi-module course which teaches Ontarians how to choose and/or act as a power of attorney for property and for personal care. The project will provide plain language and accessible education, targeted at no more than a grade 9 education level (English and French).
$ 15,000
June 15, 2020
Public Interest Articling Fellowship 2021/2022
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic will host an articling student to support its work providing legal services to women and non-binary survivors of gender-based violence, and in systemic advocacy initiatives including public legal education and law reform.
$ 69,500
February 10, 2020
Public Interest Articling Fellowship 2021/2022
Canada Without Poverty will host an articling student to support its work in eradicating poverty in Canada by addressing the systemic causes of and the legal barriers to ending it. Its work includes raising awareness about poverty, participating in research to generate new knowledge about poverty, and striving to demonstrate the connection between poverty and human rights.
$ 69,500
February 10, 2020
Public Interest Articling Fellowship 2021/2022
Innocence Canada will host an articling student to support its mission to identify, advocate for, and exonerate individuals who have been convicted of a serious crime they did not commit, and to prevent future miscarriages of justice through legal education and legislative reform.
$ 69,500
February 10, 2020
Public Interest Articling Fellowship 2021/2022
Peacebuilders International (Canada) will host an articling student to primarily support its work within its Restorative Youth Circles program where youth have the potential to have their court cases diverted pre-trial out of the court system.
$ 69,500
February 10, 2020
Public Interest Articling Fellowship 2021/2022
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre will host an articling student to support its work providing legal, advocacy, and research services on behalf of those elements of the public interest that would otherwise be unable to be adequately heard before courts, tribunals, and decision-makers.
$ 69,500
February 10, 2020
Muslim Legal Support Centre Project
The Canadian Muslim Lawyers' Association will run a pro bono summary legal advice, facilitate referrals, and deliver public legal education sessions in the Greater Toronto Area. This grant will benefit Muslim community members facing a range of legal issues. This grant will enhance access to linguistically and culturally responsive legal support.
$ 15,000
December 16, 2019
MeetGary in Translation
Centre for Refugee Studies, York University will complete a plain language review of their MeetGary website in order to increase its accessibility. This website provides key legal information to refugee claimants regarding hearings in front of the Immigration and Refugee Board. The site will also be translated from English into French, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese. This project will benefit refugee claimant and those that support them.
$ 15,000
December 16, 2019
Capacity-building for an Inclusive Sector grant
The Hispanic Development Council will provide intake, referral, and system navigation support to members of the Hispanic community living in the Greater Toronto Area. Partners include Carranza LLP, a law firm in North York that has served the Spanish speaking community in the Greater Toronto Area for over 25 years. This grant will enhance access to information and support that community members need to resolve their legal issues.
$ 115,017
December 16, 2019