March 30, 2021

Reach Canada

Increasing Legal Referrals Through Front-line Workers

Reach Canada will develop resources for frontline workers to enhance their ability to spot legal issues, conduct effective intakes, and facilitate referrals for community members living with disabilities. Grant funds will be used to hire a coordinator who will create and disseminate resources to frontline workers in the Ottawa and Champlain region. Frontline workers will be encouraged to refer clients in need of legal advice to Reach’s pro bono legal referral service. This initiative will enhance the capacity of frontline workers to provide effective intake and referral support to their clients living with disabilities.

$ 84,464
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

British Columbia Civil Liberties Association

Guides to Arrest and Detention: Police Interactions

The BCCLA will develop a series of guides with tailored legal information about police interactions and overlapping legal systems to better serve low-income, marginalized communities and meet their diverse legal needs. In order to meaningfully increase access to justice, these guides will be developed through consultation with impacted communities and will be made accessible through their innovative design and through both wide-spread and targeted dissemination.

$ 100,000
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

Thunder Bay Multicultural Association

Northern Ontario Legal Clinic for Migrants and Refugees

The Thunder Bay Multicultural Association will pilot a legal clinic offering free immigration and refugee law services to migrants living in Thunder Bay and the surrounding area. The clinic will also offer business law services to resettled refugees looking to start small businesses and public legal education workshops. Partners include the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University. This initiative will enhance access to legal support for migrants and resettled refugees in the Thunder Bay region.

$ 100,000
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

Living Space North Against Poverty

Living Space Access & Diversion Project: Improving access to justice for marginalized people in Timmins and the Cochrane District

Living Space North Against Poverty will make referrals to legal and social supports for community members who are homeless or at risk of being homeless and are also involved in the justice system. This grant will benefit underhoused community members in the Timmins and Cochrane District by connecting them to wraparound support as they navigate the criminal justice system.

$ 100,000
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

New Brunswick Refugee Clinic

Website Overhaul and Redevelopment - one time grant

New Brunswick Refugee Clinic will overhaul its website to improve functionality and develop an online, interactive, multi-language public legal education and legal resource centre for the benefit of refugee claimants, vulnerable newcomers, and community workers in New Brunswick.

$ 24,725
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

Canadian National Institute for the Blind Foundation

Know Your Rights Atlantic Canada

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind Foundation (CNIB) will create and disseminate "Know Your Rights" resources for individuals living with sight loss in PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The resources will be tailored to support those living with sight loss who experience discrimination in various areas of their lives. This work is an expansion of CNIB’s Ontario-focused Know Your Rights (KYR) project, which was launched in 2018 with the support of a Foundation grant. This initiative will connect community members with the legal resources needed to navigate the justice system and self-advocate to challenge discrimination.

$ 75,000
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

Anishinabek Nation Union of Ontario Indians

Caring for Our Elders Project

The Anishinabek Nation Union of Ontario Indians (AN) will create and disseminate public legal education resources tailored to Anishinabek Elders living on and off reserve. The resources will provide plain language information on matrimonial real property laws, wills and estates, and elder abuse. The content on matrimonial real property and wills and estates will incorporate relevant portions of the Indian Act for Elders living on reserve. This initiative will benefit Elders from AN’s 39 First Nations communities by connecting them to culturally responsive legal resources.

$ 100,000
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

Access to Justice & Law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia

National Self Represented Litigants Project Atlantic Chapter

The Access to Justice & Law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia (The Institute) will develop the Atlantic Canada chapter of the National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP). The Institute will work with the national NSRLP team to develop public legal education resources tailored to the civil legal needs of self-represented litigants (SRLs) in PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The initiative will connect SRLs to resources needed to effectively navigate the court process on their own.

$ 92,764
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

East Coast Environmental Law Association

Restorative Justice in Environmental Law Project

The East Coast Environmental Law Association will conduct research on the use of restorative justice processes to resolve environmental legal disputes. This research will inform the development of a guide on how a restorative justice process can be initiated for an environmental legal conflict. This initiative will benefit restorative justice practitioners, lawyers, and communities in Nova Scotia who are seeking alternatives to litigation.

$ 18,400
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021

Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter

Empowering Refugees, Eliminating Barriers and Combating Misinformation: Supporting Chinese Refugees through Education and Research

The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (CCNCTO) will develop and disseminate legal resources tailored to the needs of Chinese refugees across Ontario. The resources will cover the refugee claims process, how to prepare a humanitarian and compassionate grounds claim, labour rights, how to apply for temporary resident permits, and the options for legal recourse for those experiencing gender-based violence. CCNCTO will also share guidelines for selecting and working with legal representatives and immigration consultants. Partners include Butterfly: Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network. This initiative will connect Chinese refugees in Ontario to culturally and linguistically responsive legal resources.

$ 75,000
March 30, 2021