Catalyst III 2025-2027
The Probono Inmate Appeal Program (PIAP) coordinates and supports a roster of experienced criminal appellate counsel to act as duty counsel on the appeals of unrepresented appellants in criminal cases before the Court of Appeal for Ontario. PIAP will also provide guidance on procedure and strategy for ineffective assistance of counsel appeals. This initiative will enhance unrepresented appellants’ access to legal support.
$ 677,000
June 25, 2024
Catalyst III 2025-2027
The Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (CCHR)’ Pro Bono and Public Education Program provides legal support that is tailored to the needs of low-income tenants in Ontario who face eviction or experience human rights violations connected to their housing. CCHR offers educational programming for service providers, workshops for community members, system navigation support, and referrals to volunteer lawyers. CCHR will also research emerging and ongoing legal challenges in housing across Ontario, enhance staff training on diversity, equity and inclusion, and implement a development strategy and impact measurement framework. This initiative enhances tenants’ access to timely and reliable legal support.
$ 1,261,000
June 25, 2024
Catalyst III 2025-2027
L'Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario (AJEFO) will offer public services including free 30-minute consultations with a lawyer, in French or English, to anyone with a legal problem in the province. AJEFO also operates, which houses simplified legal information to assist users to better manage everyday legal issues. AJEFO also hosts legal workshops, and creates simplified legal resources for vulnerable groups. Additionally, it facilitates Law Days, which provide an opportunity for secondary students in French-language high schools to explore themes related to justice. This initiative will enhance Ontarians' access to French language legal services
$ 1,539,000
June 25, 2024
Catalyst III 2025-2027
Connecting Ottawa coordinates a consortium of over 50 legal and non-legal organizations to implement a regional plan to provide legal information and referrals to people who are not proficient in English or French or who face communication challenges as the result of a disability or sensory impairment. The initiative enhances linkages between legal and community workers in Ontario.
$ 1,539,000
June 25, 2024
Responsive 2024: Community Justice Initiative: Identifying Legal Needs
EmpowerHer Diversity Hub will conduct a legal needs assessment to better understand the legal needs and available resources for agricultural workers, international students, and other vulnerable groups in Ontario including survivors of gender-based violence with precarious immigration status. Research results will inform the development of resources that address the most pressing legal needs of the community, as well as produce a map that identifies existing legal resources and services available to the target communities.
$ 78,000
June 25, 2024
Responsive 2024: Empowering Northern Ontario: Enhancing Legal Access for Brain Injury Survivors
The Seizure and Brain Injury Centre will make legal services accessible to people living with brain injuries in northern Ontario. It will create accesible toolkits tailored for people with brain injuries, and will develop a list of legal professionals trained in working with clients with brain injuries. By expanding its laptop library, more clients in remote communities will be able to access virtual court. The object of this project is to enhance access to justice for northern Ontarians living with brain injuries.
$ 136,000
June 25, 2024
Expanding Exit Route: Connecting Community to Justice
Victim Services Toronto will work with Toronto Police 51 Division to provide victims with trauma support, legal information, case management, court accompaniment, and will provide a direct link to the Crown Attorney stationed at 51 Division. This project aims to advance access to justice by connecting police, the criminal justice system, community support agencies, and victims of crimes.
$ 220,000
June 25, 2024
Responsive 2024: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to summarize Ontario primary legal information
The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) will use Artificial Intelligence to generate 76,140 summaries of Ontario case law and legislation. These summaries will be translated into both official languages and publicly available for free online access by legal professionals and the general public. The objective of the project is to make complex legal documents more accessible and searchable.
$ 248,000
June 25, 2024
Responsive 2024: Protecting Natural Law and Lands: Community-based Lawyering in Northern, Indigenous Communities
Legal Advocates for Nature’s Defence (LAND) will develop culturally appropriate legal resources and deliver in community trainings on environmental and Indigenous rights in northern Ontario. LAND will establish an Advisory Circle of Indigenous Knowledge Holders. The project will strengthen Indigenous community members' knowledge of their rights, and their ability to participate in project decision-making and consultations with governments and industry.
$ 250,000
June 25, 2024
Responsive 2024: Trauma-Informed Legal Support for Survivors of Gender-based Violence
Gillian's Place, located in St. Catharines, will hire a Family Court Support Worker to support its Legal Program that provides free legal advice, information, and referrals to help women who have experienced intimate partner violence through the family and criminal court systems.
$ 200,000
June 25, 2024