October 25, 2022

Aboriginal Legal Services

Catalyst II 2023

Aboriginal Legal Services (ALS) supports Indigenous community members across Ontario who are experiencing legal issues. ALS offers legal services such as court workers, Gladue services, a post-charge diversion program, an alternative dispute resolution program for child welfare matters, and justice circles. This initiative will enhance Indigenous communities’ access to legal services that are culturally responsive.

$ 157,500
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario

Catalyst II 2023

L’Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Ontario (AJEFO) will offer services at its legal information centre in Ottawa and deliver workshops on a range of legal topics. Ontarians are also able to access legal information through AJEFO’s CliquezJustice.ca portal. This initiative will enhance Ontarians’ access to French language legal services.

$ 232,500
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

Criminalization of Women Pro-Bono Project, Catalyst II 2023

The Criminalization of Women Pro-Bono Project at the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic will provide trauma-informed summary legal advice, brief services, and referrals to women and non-binary people who have experienced gender-based violence and have been charged with or convicted of a criminal offence. This initiative will connect women and non-binary people to responsive and trauma-informed legal support.

$ 158,214
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust

Catalyst II 2023

Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust will deliver workshops to educate Ontario students, teachers, newcomers, and the public about their civil rights and freedoms, and democracy more broadly. This initiative will increase access to reliable and youth-centric information on civil liberties.

$ 271,055
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

Catalyst II 2023

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice will undertake public-focused, evidence-based, empirical research and dissemination activities that fill information gaps around civil and family justice needs in Ontario, as well as more broadly in Canada. This initiative will facilitate the creation of justice indicators and metrics that will support interdisciplinary collaboration and evidence-based decision making.

$ 115,500
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Community Legal Education Ontario

CLEO Connect, Catalyst II 2023

Community Legal Education Ontario’s CLEO Connect program will continue to develop clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information resources to help people understand and exercise their legal rights, with a particular focus on support for trusted intermediaries.

$ 424,250
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Community Legal Services of Ottawa

Connecting Ottawa, Catalyst II 2023

Connecting Ottawa will continue to coordinate a consortium of over 50 legal and non-legal organizations to implement a regional plan to provide legal information and referrals to people who are not proficient in English or French or who face communication challenges as the result of a disability or sensory impairment. The initiative will also enhance linkages between legal and community workers in Ontario.

$ 293,738
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

FCJ Refugee Centre

Catalyst II 2023

The FCJ Refugee Centre serves refugees and others at risk due to their immigration status through all steps of the refugee determination and refugee appeals processes. The Centre primarily works with refugee claimants, rejected refugee claimants, individuals with precarious immigration status, temporary foreign workers, and those who have been victims of human trafficking. It also provides training workshops and legal education materials for frontline workers who serve refugees in the Greater Toronto Area and other parts of southern Ontario on aspects of the immigration and refugee process and procedures. The Catalyst grant will help the Centre to ensure it has the capacity and expertise to serve its clients and assist other organizations to do so, as well as to ensure its evolution and sustainability.

$ 202,252
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Innocence Canada

Catalyst II 2023

Innocence Canada is dedicated to identifying, advocating for, and exonerating individuals convicted of a crime that they did not commit and to preventing such injustices in the future through legal education and justice system reform. The Catalyst grant will enable the organization to continue to coordinate and administer its pro bono program, which reviews and assesses claims of innocence, as well as to enable the continuation of its legal education program.

$ 362,650
October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Justice for Children and Youth

Childhood Arrivals Support and Advocacy Program, Catalyst II 2023

The Childhood Arrivals Support and Advocacy Program works to support undocumented childhood arrivals. These are young people who were moved to Canada as children who have lived their lives in Canada without official authorization or documentation, and thus are vulnerable to deportation to birth countries where they have little to no connection. Activities include outreach to youth, teachers, and parents through schools and community programs and legal system navigation, including pro bono legal support, in an effort to file permanent residence applications.

$ 269,744
October 25, 2022