July 20, 2023

Sault Ste. Marie lndigenous Friendship Centre

Resisting Remand: A Gladue Bail Program for Indigenous People in Sault Ste. Marie

The Sault Ste. Marie Indian Friendship Centre, in partnership with Dr. Jane Dickson (Carleton University), will pilot a Gladue bail program for Indigenous people in Sault Ste. Marie. A first of its kind in Ontario, the Centre will hire a Gladue Bail Report (GBR) Support Worker to provide support to and oversight of persons released on bail, and to develop and deliver training on the preparation of GBRs and info sessions for defense bar, Crowns, and courts. This initiative will fill a gap in Gladue services as only a modest percentage of courts receive Gladue reports at sentencing.

$ 233,476
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

Scarborough Community Legal Services

Communities Building Justice Together (CBJT): Increasing Access to Justice for Indigenous and Black communities in Scarborough

Scarborough Community Legal Services’ Communities Building Justice Together program will build and develop community-led resources with East Scarborough’s Black and Indigenous communities by providing support navigating the legal system and by providing a platform for community development around access to justice issues.

$ 147,000
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

Society’s Bella Coola Legal Advocacy Program

Legal Information for Indigenous People: National Edition

Society's Bella Coola Legal Advocacy Program will adapt its British Columbia-specific Legal Information for Indigenous People booklet into a nationally relevant version. Additions will include sections about status, prisons, borders, and criminal and federal child protection laws. The booklet will be distributed throughout Canada to Indigenous-led and Indigenous-serving organizations, as well as to legal aid organizations. The online version will be updated as required through Clicklaw. The objective of the project is to increase knowledge of the legal issues that affect Indigenous people, including those living on and off reserve communities.

$ 46,000
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

The Women’s Centre of Halton

Family Court Advocacy Program

The Women's Centre of Halton will expand its legal services by piloting a family court advocacy program for survivors of intimate partner violence in Halton. In consultation with legal experts, Family Court Advocates will offer case management support and public legal information. The objective of this project is to improve survivors’ knowledge of the legal system and their legal rights and options and to provide access to timely support in navigating the family court system.

$ 164,650
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023


Know Your Transit Rights

TTCriders will develop Know Your Transit Rights resources to provide legal information to members of the public, community agencies, and legal clinics on the Wheel-Trans application and appeals process and on the fare enforcement complaints process. Partners include volunteer lawyers who will provide pro bono legal research and oversight. This initiative will primarily benefit disabled, low-income, and racialized transit users who are impacted by transit enforcement interactions and changes to paratransit. The objective of the project is to increase awareness of legal rights on public transit and of transit legal and administrative processes.

$ 35,580
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

University of Toronto – Ontario Institute for Studies in Education – Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

African, Caribbean, Black Family Group Conferencing Project (ACB-FGC)

University of Toronto’s African, Caribbean, Black Family Group Conferencing project addresses the negative experiences of African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) families and youth in the child welfare system, primarily in the Greater Toronto Area, by providing culturally responsive, restorative alternatives to traditional group conferencing. The objective of the project is to model and develop the Ujima Mediation Training for Families and Youth, a researched-based, Black-focused mediator training model for mediators working with low-income Black families involved in family court. This project will expand operations into new forms of mediation, broadening the work in the child welfare sector and into other areas where ACB families can benefit from mediation, particularly family law.

$ 200,810
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

University of Windsor, Faculty of Law

Civil Procedure and Practice in Ontario: 2023 Edition

The University of Windsor, Faculty of Law will update its Civil Procedure and Practice in Ontario guide, test its usability with audiences, and expand its reach so it is available to more people, including public library and Steps to Justice users, and those who use Google or Wikipedia in search of legal knowledge. The objective of the project is to provide self-represented litigants with a free, accessible and plain-language online resource on Ontario civil procedure (published on CanLII).

$ 17,397
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

Whistleblowing Canada Research Society

Building Legal Supports for Marginalized Ontarians

Through this project, Whistleblowing Canada Research Society will survey Ontario lawyers to identify those who take whistleblowing cases and offer pro bono consultations and develop a directory for the public. Educational videos and materials will also be developed to inform and educate the general public – potential whistleblowers – about their rights.

$ 32,100
July 20, 2023
May 11, 2023

Black Opportunity Fund

Black Opportunity Fund Partnership

This 2-year partnership will enable the Black Opportunity Fund to provide grants to Black-led, Black-serving nonprofits with impactful initiatives helping Black communities better understand and navigate the criminal justice system.

$ 200,000
May 11, 2023
April 13, 2023

Legal Information and Resource Network

Innovation and Equity of Access in Ontario Courthouse Libraries

In this 2-year project, the Legal Information and Resource Network (LiRN) will promote Access to Innovation through an Innovation Sandbox that allows libraries to test new technologies, and increase equitable access to key legal resources across the province by improving collections to a minimum standard and growing e-LiRN, its suite of electronic research databases.

$ 1,400,000
April 13, 2023