The Law Foundation of Ontario appoints one member of the Class Proceedings Committee and the Attorney General also appoints one member. Three members are appointed jointly by the Law Foundation and the Attorney General.
Danielle Marks***
Partner and Co-Chair of the Civil Litigation practice group, SV Law
Elizabeth Bowker***
Partner, Stieber Berlach LLP
John P. Brown**
Chair, Class Proceedings Committee & Legal and Strategic Advisor, Indigenous Initiatives, McCarthy Tétrault
Monique Jilesen****
Managing Partner and Commercial Litigation lawyer, Lenczner Slaght
Nadia Campion***
Commercial Litigator/Partner, Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb
**Appointed by the Attorney General of Ontario
***Appointed by the Attorney General of Ontario & The Law Foundation of Ontario
****Appointed by The Law Foundation of Ontario
Class Proceedings Fund webpages
Class Proceedings Fund
The Class Proceedings Fund provides financial support to approved class action plaintiffs for legal disbursements and indemnifies plaintiffs for costs that may be awarded against them in funded proceedings.
Application process
Details on the process and documents needed to apply to the Class Proceedings Fund.
The Fund’s entitlement to a levy and how it is calculated
If a case is awarded funding, a levy in favour of the Class Proceedings Fund (the “Fund”) is payable after the case is either settled or adjudicated in favour of the class. Regulation 771/92 sets out the way in which the Fund’s levy is calculated.
Meeting dates
The Class Proceedings Committee’s list of scheduled meeting dates. Application hearings are scheduled after a full application has been received.
Reports & resources
The Class Proceedings Fund reports financial information and activities annually within the Foundation’s annual report. Find these reports, as well as other resources, here.