The Law Foundation of Ontario makes grants to advance access to justice. Grants are made to nonprofit organizations that work to benefit the people of Ontario. We also have a unique fund that provides grants to nonprofit organizations across Canada.
Before you apply, learn about our granting programs and our general grantmaking process.
Access to Justice Fund
Encourages new and unique project-based initiatives, research, and collaborations from across Canada that support specific legal themes and as directed by the cy-près award received, which is where the fund’s revenue comes from
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Offers three-year cycle core funding to nonprofit organizations that are demonstrating they are advancing access to justice in Ontario
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The Connecting Project
Builds collaborations among community and legal organizations and builds the capacity of trusted intermediaries in order to increase access to legal information and support for linguistic minorities and people in rural and remote areas
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Strengthens the nonprofit justice sector and public interest law through fellowships, articling positions, and scholarships
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Law schools
Supports experiential learning, service to the public, diversity within the profession, and other access to justice initiatives
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Project-grants made every year that facilitate novel and innovative access to justice projects generated by community-based nonprofit organizations
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Granting that allows the Foundation to explore specific strategic priorities, such as data and measuring impact, justice and technology, and trusted intermediaries
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Open call for applications
See The Law Foundation of Ontario’s open calls for applications to learn about the granting opportunities you can apply for now.
Grants made
Search The Law Foundation of Ontario’s list of grants made since 2012 that have supported programs and projects to advance access to justice for Ontarians.
What's new
$45.5M in funding to Ontario’s leading access to justice organizations
The Foundation approved new 3-year Catalyst grants totaling $45.5M for the program’s current cohort of 25 organizations.
Job posting: Senior Administrative Coordinator – Class Proceedings Committee
We are seeking a Senior Administrative Coordinator for the Class Proceedings Committee.
New multi-year grant to Action Committee on Access to Justice
The Foundation has increased its support of the Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters with a $313K 3-year grant.