Advancing access
to justice

The Law Foundation of Ontario awards millions of dollars each year to grants, class actions, and Legal Aid Ontario to advance access to justice across the province.


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The Law Foundation of Ontario makes grants to advance access to justice that align with our statutory objectives of: legal education, legal aid, legal research, and law libraries within Ontario.

We provide one-time and ongoing funding through a variety of granting programs. Grants are made to nonprofit organizations that work to benefit the people of Ontario. We also have a unique fund that provides grants to nonprofit organizations across Canada. We do not provide funding to individuals or to for-profit ventures or to support litigation or advocacy.

See our open calls for applications, granting programs, and grants made webpages to learn more.

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Class Proceedings Fund
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Colourful illustration by Mudja Hakime. It has four young people talking, skateboarding

$1M Law Foundation grant expands Laidlaw Foundation’s Youth Action Fund granting

March 5, 2025

Laidlaw Foundation and The Law Foundation of Ontario have teamed up to expand support for Black and Indigenous youth-led access to justice initiatives.

Woman with short black hair wearing a cream coloured blouse and black jacket

In memory of Wendy Earle

February 21, 2025

We’re saddened by the passing of Wendy J. Earle. Wendy was a remarkable class actions advocate and leader on the Class Proceedings Committee for 17 years.