
John Borrows receives 2024 Guthrie Award

The Law Foundation of Ontario is pleased to announce that the 2024 Guthrie Award recipient is legal scholar, John Borrows.
August 6, 2024

John Borrows receives 2024 Guthrie Award

A man with white hair who is smiling and wearing a grey suit jacket. He is standing outside in front of thick, vivid green bushes

The Law Foundation of Ontario is pleased to announce that Professor John Borrows, BA, MA, JD, LLM, PhD, LLD, DHL, DLitt, FRSC, OC, is the recipient of the 2024 Guthrie Award, the Foundation’s signature award to recognize exceptional access to justice champions.

Recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars and educators on Indigenous law, John is a professor and the inaugural Loveland Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. Previously, John served as the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law for eight years. John is Anishinaabe/Ojibway and a member of the Chippewas of the Nawash First Nation in Ontario.

“John has transformed the way that academic and legal sectors understand and intersect with Indigenous law,” says Linda Rothstein, the Foundation’s Board Chair. “He has profoundly shaped our recognition of Canada as multi-juridical and has revitalized Indigenous law within legal education, Indigenous communities, and Canadian society broadly.”

John’s innovations in education have been recognized nationally and internationally. Highlights of his academic achievements include:

  • As a doctoral student and assistant professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, John was instrumental in the launch of Intensive Program in Indigenous Lands, Resources & Governments program – the only one of its kind in North America.
  • When he was an associate professor at the University of Toronto, John developed the June Callwood Program in Aboriginal Law. The program continues to support Indigenous Community Fellowships for law students and graduates.
  • Together with his daughter, Professor Lindsay Borrows, John established the first Anishinaabe Law Camp. This immersive ‘on the land’ program has grown from one (Osgoode Hall Law School) to four Ontario law schools and with other First Nations communities.
  • At the University of Victoria, John co-founded the world’s first joint degree program in Indigenous legal orders, Canadian common law, and the interface between them – the first program of its kind in the world.
  • Today, John teaches the mandatory first year course on Indigenous Peoples and the Law at the University of Toronto. It is a direct response to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee Call to Action #28 and a crucial introduction for the next generation of lawyers.

“John has integrated Indigenous law rooted in Indigenous peoples’ natural and social environment into the very heart of legal education,” says Jutta Brunnée, FRSC, Dean of the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law and the individual who nominated John for the Guthrie Award. “His extraordinary work revivifying Indigenous law has also contributed to a re-envisioning of the potential of law and participatory democracy. As John says: ‘Law is a social and human activity. It’s something you do, not merely something that’s done to you’. His message is reaching not only law students, but the broader world.”

An award-winning editor and author, John’s books are widely used in Law, Political Science, and Indigenous Studies courses throughout Canada and internationally. His academic work has been cited extensively by human rights bodies and various courts, including the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, and the Supreme Court of Canada.

John’s opinions are solicited frequently. He was a Research Advisor for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and was credited by retired justice Murray Sinclair with having “a real impact” on its deliberations. He has presented to the Indigenous Committees of the House of Commons and Senate and he wrote the Treaty Justice Report for the Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan and the paper that guided the final Ipperwash Inquiry Report for the Government of Ontario.

John helped develop law’s educational infrastructure for the newly created northern territory of Nunavut and has advised many Indigenous communities and nations, including the Assembly of First Nations, Chiefs of Ontario, and Anishinabek Nation. He has also consulted for provincial law societies and the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.

John is the recipient of multiple prestigious awards. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada and has received the Molson Prize, the Killam Prize, the Governor General’s Innovation Award, the Charles Taylor Prize for Excellence in Policy Research, the Indigenous Peoples’ Counsel, and the Canadian Bar Association President’s Award.
John is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Canada’s highest academic honour.

He earned his BA, MA, JD, and LLM from the University of Toronto and his PhD from Osgoode Hall Law School. He has received honorary doctorates from Simon Fraser University, Queen’s University, University of Toronto, Victoria University, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, the Law Society of Ontario, and Dalhousie University.

The Guthrie Award Medal will be presented at a private reception with John’s family, colleagues, and community.

Supporters of John Borrows’ Guthrie Award nomination

“John Borrows models the ideals of Mino Bimaadiziwin/the good life teachings and is an inspiration to Indigenous lawyers across Canada as well as the next generation. Even with his many accomplishments in academia and the legal profession, he embodies the sacred teaching of humility and continues to serve his community and the Creator with honour and integrity.” – Dianne G. Corbiere, IPC, HBSW, LLB, Nahwegahbow Corbiere, Barristers & Solicitors

“John Borrows and I have shared many opinions about the Canada we wanted to live in and how it is impacted by Indigenous law and policy… I have come to appreciate John’s passion for Canada and our rightful place in it as Canada’s first people. His desire to have a strong intelligent voice in its future direction, particularly in the accommodation of Indigenous law, is unmatched.” – The Honourable Harry S. Laforme, Retired Justice, Ontario Court of Appeal, Senior Council, Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP

“John Borrows has demonstrated why legal problem-solving in and for Indigenous communities needs to be approached through an Indigenous lens, and has empowered lawyers, students, academics, and policy-makers across the country to pursue access to justice in Indigenous contexts. I have seen and continue to see the enduring impact of his efforts throughout the justice sector in Ontario and across Canada.” – The Honourable Justice Lorne Sossin, Court of Appeal for Ontario

“Over the course of three decades of teaching, scholarship, writing, speaking, mentorship, and relationship-building, John Borrows has helped to redefine the very idea of what justice is, or should be, for Indigenous peoples… and [he] has been instrumental in bringing about a paradigm shift in thinking about legality and Indigeneity in Canada and in Ontario.” – Professor Mark Walters (former Dean), Faculty of Law, Queen’s University

Ishpenjigaazad Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin e’gikendaasad, John Borrows waawiinjigaaza 2024 Guthrie Award e’debinong

Owi Law Foundation maampii Ontario maamiikwendimoog awii dibajimowaad owa Professor John Borrows, BA, MA, JD, LLM, PhD, LLD, DHL, DLitt, FRSC, OC, aawi e’debinong owi 2024 Guthrie Award, owi Nyaadimaagejig getchi piitendaagwog bakinaagewin awii nisidiwinigaadeg ishpaamigag misendamowin gewe gagwek doodamowin naagaaniijig.

Nisidiwinind aawid bezhig gewe maziwekamig naagaaniijig gikendaasojig miinwaa gikinomaagejig owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewinwin, John aawi ishpi gikinomaaged miinwaa owa agaa oshkiyaad Loveland Chair owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Onashowewinwin odi owi University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. Azhigo maanda apii, John agii aawi owa Canada Research Chair owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Onashowewinwin odi University of Victoria, Faculty owi Onashowewinwin minik niizhwaaswi biboon. John aawi Anishinaabe/Ojibway miinwaa dibendaagozi gewe Chippewas owi Nawash Anishinaabe Aki zhiwe Ontario.

“John agii aanzinaagotoon owi nikiiyaa gikendaasowin miinwaa onashowewin bebakaan enankiijig nisastaanaa-aa miinwaa aazhidesewog owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin,” kida Linda Rothstein, owi Nyaadamaagejig Naagaanzijig Eshpabid. “Agii aga gichi mazinaan ezhi nisidiwinamang owi Gaanada aawong niibna naagaanziichigaadeg miinwaa age aanji bimaajitoon Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin biinji onashowewin gikendaasowin, Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig odenwinan, miinwaa Canadian bemaadizijig maziwe minik.”

John ado oshkiwiin owi gikinomaagewin agii nisidwenjigaadenon gichi kiing miinwaa maziwekamig. Eshpendaagwokin ado gikendaasowin gazhkichigewinan digosinon:

  • Agii aawid gechi shpaamigag gikinomaadiwin miinwaa aanke gikinomaaged odi Osgoode Hall Law School, John agii maajiishkaatoon owi mookinigaademigag owi Gigetinaami Nankiiwin zhiwe Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Akiin, Nikaaziwinan & Gimaawinan zhichigewinan – owi bezhigwong goweta dnowaa zhiwe Mshiikengh Minis.
  • Owi apii agii aawid aanke gikinomaaged odi University odi Toronto, John agii maajitaatoon owi June Callwood Gikinomaagewin owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Onashowewin. Owi gikinomaagewin aabajitaamigad awii aasgaabiwitod Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Odenwin wiijii-ewin onji onashowewin ekinomowindwa miinwaa agaa giizhi skoniwijig.
  • Maamowi owa daanse’in, Gikinomaaged Lindsay Borrows, John agii maajitaatoon ntam Anishinaabe Onashowewin Gabeshii Gamig. Maanda moshkin ‘zhiwe kiing’ gikinomaadiwin agii maajiigin onji bezhig (Osgoode Hall Law School), apiinish niiwin Ontario onashowewin gikinomaadwin gamigoon miinwaa wiiji bekaanag Inakaaneziwinan odenwinan.
  • Odi University owi Victoria, John agii wiiji maajitaatoon owi maziwekamig ntam maamowi ishpi mazinigan gikinomaagewin owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin inaaknigewinan, Canadian gete onashiwewin, miinwaa owi niizhobideg – owi ntam gikinomaadiwin owi dnowaa zhiwe maziwekamig.
  • Nongo giiizhigad, John gikinomaage owi nendowendaaagwog ntam biboon gikinomaagewin owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Bemaadizijig miinwaa Onashowewin odi University owi Toronto. Owi aawon gagwek nakwetamowin owi Debwewin miinwaa Mina Ginondiwin Inaaknigejig Gagwedwewaad awii Bimaakwiingh #28 miinwaa owi gichi piitendaagwod mookaajimowin onji gewe miinwaa age abiyaajig giigidoninwog.

“John agii digosidoon Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin onjibaamigag zhiwe Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig bemaadizijig inin miinwaa wiijikiwendiwin zhiwe owi myaamigag odewin owi onashowewin gikinomaadiwin,” kida Jutta Brunnée, FRSC, Ogimaa owi University owi Toronto, Faculty owi Law miinwaa owa agaa onagimaad onji owi Guthrie Bakinaagewin. “Ado myaamiikwendaagwog nakiiwin aanji bimaadiziimigag Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin agii gewe miigwemigad owi aanji-waabmjigaademigag owi age aawong owi onashowewin miinwaa wiijiyaawaad bemaadizijig bimaakinigewin. Owi John ekidad: ‘Onashowewin aawan wiijiindiwin miinwaa bemaadizijig nankiiwin. Owi aawon giin ezhchigeyin, gaawii goweta gego eshtamaagoyin’. Ado dibaajimowin waabmdaanaa-aa gaawii goweta onashowewin gikinomaagaazijig, dash owi woshme gichi aki.”

Owa debinang bakinaagewin naawibiiged miinwaa zhibiigewinan, John ado maziniginan miziwe nikaazam owi Onashowewin, Ogimaawin Nigajitowin, miinwaa Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Skoonwiikidamong gikinomaagewinan maziwe Ganaada miinwaa maziwekamig. Ado gikendaasowin nankiiwin agii waawiinjigaadeg gichi niibna ngoji gewe bemaadizijig dibiniweziwinan bemiikimajig miinwaa nowonj dibaakinige gamigoon, e’digosingh Ontario Superior Court of Justice, owi Court of Appeal onji Ontario, miinwaa owi Supreme Court of Canada.

John ado inendamowinan gagwedwem wewiiba. Agii aawi owa Nda Gikenjigewin Giikimiged owi Debwewin miinwaa Mina Ginoondiwin Anookiiwin miinwaa agii miigwechiwi-aa owa agaa shkwaa nakiid dibaakinigenini Murray Sinclair owi agii ayaangh “gegeti madookidaagemigag” newen dazhinjigewinan. Agii miigwen dibaajimowin owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Nankiiwinan owi House of Commons miinwaa Senate miinwaa agii zhibii-aan owi Treaty Justice Report onji owa Treaty Commissioner owi Saskatchewan miinwaa owi mazinigan agaa gikinoowidoongh owi ekwaawong Ipperwash Inquiry Report onji owi Gimaawin maampii Ontario.

John agii naadmaage zhichigaademigag onashowewin ado gikinomaage nikaaziwin onji owi oshki maajtaamigad giiwedinong waasawekamig owi Nunavut miinwaa agii giikimaan niibna Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig Nankiiwinan miinwaa anikaanewiziwinan, e’digisingh Assembly of First Nations, Chiefs of Ontario, miinwaa Anishinabek Nation. Agii age gagwejimaa inendamowin gewe akiins anoshowewin wiijii-ewinan miinwaa newen Federation owi Law Societies maampii Canada.

John aawi agaa debinong gichi niibna ishpendaagwog bakinaagewinan. Agii waawiinjigaaza owi Officer of the Order of Canada miinwaa agii debinan owi  Molson Prize, owi Killam Prize, owi Governor General’s Innovation Award, owi Charles Taylor Prize for Excellence in Policy Research, owi Indigenous Peoples’ Counsel, miinwaa owi Canadian Bar Association President’s Award.

John aawi Debendaagozid owi Royal Society of Canada, Gaanada ado memaanji shpaamigag gikendaasowin gichi nenjigaadeg. Agii gashkitoon ado BA, MA, JD, miinwaa LLM onji owi University owi Toronto miinwaa ado PhD onji Osgoode Hall Law School. Agii debinaanan minaadendamowin memaanji shpaamigag gikendaasowin onji Simon Fraser University, Queen’s University, University of Toronto, Victoria University, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, owi Law Society of Ontario, miinwaa Dalhousie University.

Owi Guthrie Award Medal ada miigwem odi gabaakogaadeg maandoyaang gewe John ado inoodewiziwin, waaji nakiimaajin, miinwaa odena endinakiid.

Aaasgaabiwitamowaad owi John Borrow ado Guthrie Award anagimind

“John Borrows waabmdowen newen nendowenjigaademigag newen Mino Bimaadiziwin gikinomaagewinan miinwaa aawi onbendamowin gewe Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig giigidomaagejig maziwe Gaanada miinwaa age niigaan awaa bimaadizijig. Boochigo ado gichi niibna agaa gashkitojin zhiwe gikendaasowin miinwaa owi onashowewin nakiiwin, ado naagidoon owi gichitwaa gikinomaadiwin owi dibaadendiziwin miinwaa aabajitaa nakiitwaad ado odena miinwaa owa Gizhe Manidoo owi minaadendamowin miinwaa gagwek aadiziwin.” – Dianne G. Corbiere, IPC, HBSW, LLB, Nahwegahbow Corbiere, Barristers & Solicitors


“John Borrows miinwaa niin agii maadokidaadimi niibna dinendamowininaa onji owi Gaanada nendowendamaang awii dinaakii-aangh miinwaa nikiiyaa ezhi madookdaagemigag owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin miinwaa naaknigewin… Ngii ani maamiikwendaan John ado zaagitood Gaanada miinwaa gdo gagwek dibendaagoziwin zhiwe aawiyingh Gaanada ntam bemaadizijig. Ado dowendamowin owi awii temigag mashkowi gikendaaso giigidowin zhiwe owi niigaan nikiiyaa, memdage gwa owi wiijii-emigag owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig onashowewin, gaawii miigsechigaadesino.” – Owa Honourable Harry S. Laforme, Retired Justice, Ontario Court of Appeal, Senior Council, Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP


“Johm Borrows agii waabmdowen onji onashowewin zinagag naawisijigaadeg zhiwe miinwaa onji Giizhaa Agaa Yaaj odenwinan dowendaagwog awii nakweshkigaadeg owi nikiyaa Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig ezhi waabmdamiwaad, miinwaa agii miinaan mashkowiziiwin giigidoninwog, e’skoonwijig, gechi gikendaasijig, miinwaa naaknigewin ezhitojig maziwe maanda akiing awii bimaashkigaadeg masenjigewin owi gagwek doodamowin owi Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig ezhiwebak. Ngii waabmdaan miinwaa aabaji waabmdaan aabaji zhiwebak owi ado gashkichigewin maziwe gwa owi gagwek doodamowin zhiwe Ontario miinwaa maziwe Gaanada.” – Owa Honourable Justice Lorne Sossin, Court of Appeal for Ontario


“Owi agaa bimisemigag nisiwi midaaswi biboon owi gikinomaaged, weweni skooniwid, zhibiiged, giigidad, giikimigef, miinwaa wiijikiwendiwin zhichigaadeg, John Borrowa agii naadmaage awii aanji waawiindang owi aapaji gwa inendamowin owi gagwek doodamowin ayaawong, maage age ayaawong, onji Giizhaa Agaa Yaajig bemaadizijig… miinwaa [agii] gashkitoon owi biijigaademigag bkaan nikiiyaa owi inendamowin onji onashowewin miinwaa Anishinaabewin zhiwe Gaanada miinwaa zhiwe Ontario.”  – Professor Mark Walters (former Dean), Faculty of Law, Queen’s University

Ayaawong owi Guthrie Award

Owi Law Foundation owi Ontario agii zhitoon owi Guthrie Award apii 1996 awii minaajind H. Donald Guthrie, Q.C., gichi gnesh agaa wiijii’ed miinwaa Ishpabid owi Foundation’s Board.  Owa Guthrie Award e’debinong wiijiiwe owi ayaawong owi Guthrie Award miinwaa ani aawi waaji-ed owi ishpendaagozijig bemaadizijig nisidwaamjigaazijig newen ado gashkitowinan owi naawisidowad misenjigaadeg gagwek doodamowin. Ashigwo agaa debinamjig agii abi onjibaawog nowonji nikiiyaa – owi debaaknigejig, onjike gaabiwijig dibaakinigejig, odeniwingh onashowewin nankiiwinan, miinwaa bwaa zhoonyaa kejig nankiiwin. Agii waabmdaanaa-aa zhisewin awii zhitowaad bkaan zhiwebak miinwaa agii daapinaanaa-aa. Owi moshkin naabidebiigan gewe Guthrie Award agaa debinamjig adaa makigaade odi Foundation ado waasamo-asabi mazina-igan.

Ayaawong owi Law Foundation odi Ontario

Owi Law Foundation odi Ontario zhaazhigwa agii giikinaanaa-aa misenjigewin owi gagwek doodamowin apiinish 1974 Zhiwe bagidinigewin miinwaa wiiji nakiindiwin, owi Foundation binaajichige owi gikendaasowin miinwaa zhichigewinan nyaadimaagwod bemaadizijig awii nisastamiwaad owi onashowewin miinwaa nikaaziwaad awii ombinimowaad bimaadiziwiniwaa. Owi Foundatio age bamiikaan owi Maamowi Yaang Dikonigewin Zhoonyaa, owi maagwemigag enigindeg newen maamowi yaang dikonigewinan.