Acknowledgement of The Law Foundation of Ontario and its granting is to be made in all information and activities that relate to the funding provided to your organization. Below are the specific acknowledgement requirements by the type of activity you are planning.
Annual report and donor recognition materials
Include The Law Foundation of Ontario logo or name in your annual report and/or donor recognition materials whenever possible.
For ATJF grantees, use ‘The Law Foundation of Ontario Access to Justice Fund’.
For Catalyst grantees, within a section(s) that acknowledges your organization’s funders, please give the Foundation’s logo or name prominence that is in proportion to the percentage of your budget that is funded by the Foundation.
Get the logo
Download a zip file of The Law Foundation of Ontario logo.
It contains all versions of our logo available, including English and French and digital (jpg, png) and print-quality files (eps).
Have a question?
Contact a Grants Manager.
Logo & guidelines
Download the logo files and read the logo guidelines to see how to properly use the Foundation logo when acknowledging your grant.
Acknowledging the Foundation
What you need to know to help you understand why and how to properly acknowledge your Foundation grant.
Reporting guidelines
Guidelines, resource information, and tools to help grantees fulfill the reporting requirements of their grant.