Grant Modification Request

Contact your Grants Manager in advance if you are contemplating any significant change in your funded work's objectives, scope, budget, or project lead.

We understand that activities don’t always go according to plan. If you are contemplating any significant change in your objectives, scope, budget, or project lead you should contact your Grants Manager in advance. Your contemplated change may require approval by staff or the Board of Trustees.

To make a Grant Modification Request:

  1. Inform us before any change is made.
  2. Send your request in an email to your Grants Manager and include your unique 'LFO grant #'.

Contact your Grants Manager even if you are not sure if your proposed modification is significant enough to warrant a formal request. A conversation early will save time for all involved.

Guidelines for common change requests

Extend grant period end date

Request to extend grant period end date

  • Propose a new ending date for the grant.
  • Explain why more time is required to complete the project.
Revise the budget
Modify activities and/or deliverables
Different project lead

Have a question?
Contact a Grants Manager.